Shopping, Cleaning, and Turnips~

Shopping, Cleaning, and Turnips~

Things are not always as they appear. See this cart full of items?Peek-a-boo! Our daughter decided to hide under all of the purchases at WalMart.This week we had a chance to visit our niece Nikki at Appalachian State University!Now for today, I have actually been...
Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment

Just in case you’re wondering, I still really dislike Halloween. I didn’t even want to attend the celebration at our church (I’m sorry Pastor Eric … nothing personal … I just hate Halloween), but Princess had a meltdown Saturday night....
Why the Disconnect?

Why the Disconnect?

I am frustrated that Christians aren’t living a more victorious life than those whose citizenship isn’t in heaven.Where is the disconnect?When we aren’t experiencing the freedom and peace in our lives that we should as believers — what is...
Who likes a thief?

Who likes a thief?

The stories I could tell!I have had some eye-opening experiences where the public is concerned. I just go through life assuming that most people try to obey the rules and live an honest life. Ha.Once upon a time I participated in a Meme called “Not Me...
Running on fumes.

Running on fumes.

Matthew 4:4Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ “I have been hearing this scripture over and over in my thoughts the past couple of days. I have been drained...