Three weeks to go …

Three weeks to go …

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (or a scratched CD for you younger readers) – I MISS YOU ALL. I have no idea what is going on with your lives, your families, your health, etc …I am not exaggerating when I report that I awaken each day to a...
Where am I?

Where am I?

I am ready for a vacation my friends. One that won’t happen — you know, a vacation where nobody needs anything and I’m alone with worship music and great books. Ha. Oh well, I can dream for a second.My hubby and I had such a busy Saturday. Our maze...
I miss you all!

I miss you all!

A blog? What is a blog? What is my password?Mercy, I seriously had to think for just one little second!I miss all of you and I miss having down time.As you know, I’ve been busy at our corn maze!I am grateful for friends like Angie (Laughter Does the Heart Good)...
It just STINKS!

It just STINKS!

I came very close to going with my husband to the mountains yesterday, but I’m so glad I DIDN’T.He took a young guy from our community on the long trek to get pumpkins to sell on our farm. I’m sure this kid is wishing he didn’t go …I...
Me and Dr. Shah

Me and Dr. Shah

I know I keep saying “I’m gone” yet I’m posting here and there. I just want to stay connected — even though I don’t have time to visit you right now. :o(I really miss reading all of the devotionals and lifetime giggles that you...
Life or Destruction?

Life or Destruction?

Psalm 16:11You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.I read chapter 16 in the Book of Psalms this morning and verse 11 made me stop and ponder.PATH OF LIFE.Yes, God has shown me...