Things are not always as they appear.

See this cart full of items?

Peek-a-boo! Our daughter decided to hide under all of the purchases at WalMart.

This week we had a chance to visit our niece Nikki at Appalachian State University!

Now for today, I have actually been INSPIRED to clean. Trust me, this isn’t a mood I catch often! So, I put it to good use and unpacked our suitcases (versus living out of them for a week), washed clothes, cleaned the bedrooms, and then cleaned out our REFRIGERATOR! Blech! I threw out TWO BAGS of frozen food. Well, I gave it away to someone who wanted it. Trust me, it needed cleaning.

I know this looks like a “before” shot, but it is actually the AFTER. Ha.

Then I picked two big bags of turnip greens. YUM! After they finish cooking, I am going to freeze some.

Yes, that is a delicious ham hock floating around in there.

I visited some of you this morning and hope to visit more this weekend. It is great to be back. Yay!

Have a super blessed evening and a wonderful Sunday!