I am frustrated that Christians aren’t living a more victorious life than those whose citizenship isn’t in heaven.

Where is the disconnect?

When we aren’t experiencing the freedom and peace in our lives that we should as believers — what is wrong?

I believe we should give God our first … our best. To me, that includes the beginning of each day:

Psalm 5:3
In the
morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

Psalm 59:16
But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

I can tell such a big difference in my life when I’m not seeking the Lord each morning. Without quality time with my Lord, I feel a bit of a disconnect.

John 15:5
I am the
vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.

Life can get so busy, but it is imperative that we spend time with our Father.

I can attest that lately my anger level has been just under the surface since I haven’t had quality time in the Word. People have been pushing my buttons much easier. Honestly, I feel such empathy for those who deal with the “public” on a regular basis. Seriously … wow! But even that shows how my flesh has been stirred and has been leading my reactions.

I haven’t exercised in two months (unless you count walking all day as exercise) and I’ve been eating HORRIBLY. We have food at the maze — hot dogs and the like. Sigh.

I read some scriptures here and there … but quality time? Nope. Forgive me Father.

It takes an effort on our part to close any chasm between us and the Lord doesn’t it?

I am ready to get my life back on track.

On another note (aside from me whining – ha), a back was healed this past weekend. One of our employees had a sore back from standing all day parking cars. I asked if I could pray for his back. He seemed very surprised when the pain left his back. Hallelujah! To God be the glory!

Last night we had a night group (that is when my eye became part of a butterfly in the picture above). One of our customers had a sprained ankle when she arrived. I asked her if she was a Christian. She said she was. I then asked if I could pray for her. She immediately said, “Everyone has prayed for my ankle” basically making me feel like she wasn’t going to expect healing. Well, she didn’t get it that I could tell, but I prayed anyway. :o)

I hope to get back on track in the next couple of weeks and begin reading YOUR blogs again.

I’ll end with this silly picture: