I am frustrated that Christians aren’t living a more victorious life than those whose citizenship isn’t in heaven.
Where is the disconnect?
When we aren’t experiencing the freedom and peace in our lives that we should as believers — what is wrong?
I believe we should give God our first … our best. To me, that includes the beginning of each day:
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.Psalm 59:16
But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
I can tell such a big difference in my life when I’m not seeking the Lord each morning. Without quality time with my Lord, I feel a bit of a disconnect.
John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.
Life can get so busy, but it is imperative that we spend time with our Father.
I can attest that lately my anger level has been just under the surface since I haven’t had quality time in the Word. People have been pushing my buttons much easier. Honestly, I feel such empathy for those who deal with the “public” on a regular basis. Seriously … wow! But even that shows how my flesh has been stirred and has been leading my reactions.
I haven’t exercised in two months (unless you count walking all day as exercise) and I’ve been eating HORRIBLY. We have food at the maze — hot dogs and the like. Sigh.
I read some scriptures here and there … but quality time? Nope. Forgive me Father.
It takes an effort on our part to close any chasm between us and the Lord doesn’t it?
I am ready to get my life back on track.
On another note (aside from me whining – ha), a back was healed this past weekend. One of our employees had a sore back from standing all day parking cars. I asked if I could pray for his back. He seemed very surprised when the pain left his back. Hallelujah! To God be the glory!
Last night we had a night group (that is when my eye became part of a butterfly in the picture above). One of our customers had a sprained ankle when she arrived. I asked her if she was a Christian. She said she was. I then asked if I could pray for her. She immediately said, “Everyone has prayed for my ankle” basically making me feel like she wasn’t going to expect healing. Well, she didn’t get it that I could tell, but I prayed anyway. :o)
I hope to get back on track in the next couple of weeks and begin reading YOUR blogs again.
I’ll end with this silly picture:
That is a beautiful butterfly face painting, and I agree that beginning the day in prayer is a delight. Each day I thank God in prayer for something before I get out of bed and that puts the day in a good light.
Love the butterfly! I know exactly how you feel. Since school started, I feel like I haven't had time to read my Bible or do anything. I miss it and need to get back to him!
We will be waiting for you to get back to blogging.
The face painter is AWESOME! Wonderful job!
I have started the study to read the Bible in one year. I started off great but busyness has gotten in the way. I don't want my reading to seemed force just to meet my one year deadline but am using it more as a guide. I have to get back on track although I am way behind. Seems like everything has just piled on at once…just like the devil wants.
"Oh God, show us more of Your holiness. show us more of our sinfulness. Help us to hate sin and to love righteousness as You do. Grant us a deeper conviction of sin and a more thorough spirit of repentance. And make us holy and You are holy."
Father God, I pray for my sisters who desire and know how important it is to put You first in their lives each and every day. Spending time in Your Word, spending time worshiping and praising You. The busyness of this life, the cares of this world can entangle and cause us to put those things first instead of putting You first. Father, I cry out to You in prayer for these sisters as I cried out to You for myself when the enemy kept taking and stealing my time away from You..Make a way Father, stop the time, stop the clock during those moments they are able to spend with You, let them see that the time they spend with You, will reap a harvest throughout the day. That time will not steal from their duties and commitments but will abound in much fruit of the Spirit..oh Father, hear our cries. Show forth Your power and glory and cause us to rise up strong from the entanglements that try to steal our time from You.
amen amen amen
thank you for this reminder. i know God has been calling me to spend some quality time with Him. lately i've been really busy with so many things and when i'm not, instead of talking to God, i lay around watching tv and doing other stuff that are really not important at all. my bad. forgive me, Lord. i can very much relate to you on spending quality time with our Father.
What a beautiful, fun picture! Love the butterfly!
Blessings to you,
Cindy 🙂
Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Beth!!
Your butterfly is beautiful–I've never seen face painting quite like this!!
And, I can honestly say that I do see a difference in my entire day when I spend time with God in the morning before it begins–asking Him to give me the strength, His love and His will for the day–
Will things happen during the day that perhaps may be difficult to deal with? Yes, they will…but the way I deal with them by God's grace—totally different than if I were dealing with them by myself.
Hee hee, love the butterfly Beth. Great post with great Scripture to go along with the message. Blessings.
Awesome post sis, love your butterfly.
Awe! I saw your pretty butterfly and had to comment. This blog is so right. I'm trying to reconnect with God myself these days. Much love Beth! Email me when you get settled. Alright! Much love, Ileana.
Hi Beth,
Happy weekend!
Love the butterfly picture!
Great post and I so enjoyed this as always! I too need to make sure that I spend time in prayer first thing in the morning. I notice a real difference in my day for the worse if I do not spend this time each morning.Thank you for this reminder.
Blessings and hugs
you're such a refreshing personality 🙂
Praying that things find their proper order soon…in my life as well