At the risk of sounding like a broken record (or a scratched CD for you younger readers) – I MISS YOU ALL. I have no idea what is going on with your lives, your families, your health, etc …
I am not exaggerating when I report that I awaken each day to a bunch of emails asking about groups/birthday parties for our corn maze. Hallelujah for the business, but it literally takes all of my time. Then I have to forward all of our house calls to my cell phone and it rings throughout the day. Again, HALLELUJAH for the business, but …
So, with that said – I am leaving my emails sitting while I drop you another quick post.
On the “prayer” front, I have a question for you. I have heard that when you have been healed in a particular area, you seem to have more grace when praying for others in that area. Is that biblical? If so — do you know where? I have seen this in my life. Since my back and leg were healed miraculously, I seem to see a lot of prayers answered when I lay hands on others in that area.
Remember in my last post when I talked about a man’s knee that was immediately touched? He is still seeing God’s power in that knee. He was running the other day and realized that was the fastest he has run in years. Hallelujah! Satan has tried to steal his healing, but he has continued to lay hands on it himself and confess it healed. He is doing great and enjoying his new freedom. Can you imagine being in pain for years and suddenly having regular mobility back? Thank You Lord!
I had a friend visit our maze the other night who had a collision with a teenage driver who was on her side of the road (years ago). Her ankle is still messed up and the bone is not healing around the pins they placed in her. I immediately grabbed her and began to curse the pain. The pain started lifting. But … the healing didn’t happen. The pain never completely left and she was still limping. I felt sad that it didn’t happen, but I’m not the healer – JESUS is the Healer. All we (as Christians) can do is be faithful in praying for others.
I know the enemy wanted me to be discouraged. Immediately he was in my ear, “See, you should just stop this praying stuff. You’re going to make a fool out of yourself.” Let me think, “Whose report will I believe?” GOD’S REPORT! So, a day or two later my friend came up and I saw one of her shoulders was really high and her hips were out of balance. I prayed (with my friend Maegan in the building with us as a witness) and her body started coming into alignment. Maegan said, “Check her legs.” So when my friend sat down, her right leg was about an inch or so shorter. Let me tell you — that was the FASTEST I have ever seen a leg grow!
The next day she said she felt like she did when she left a chiropractor — sore, but good. I pray she will never need another chiropractor.
Then comes my little one. She had a croupy cough and an ear ache. I prayed, but nothing immediately manifested in the natural.
What will I do? Continue to pray for others. What should you do? Continue to pray for others. :o) Do we put ourselves out there when we pray for someone to be healed? YES. But I’d much rather pray and believe for a miracle than do nothing.
Ok … three more weekends then I’ll get my life back. I have a LOT of catching up to do.
The beautiful photo at the top was taken by Alex Peden, a photography student at NC State University. He used our farm for a project and is allowing me to use his photos. This is taken from our corn maze — looking back towards our pond and a pasture.
Don't be discouraged, and keep on praying. I don't have a lot of theology to back me up but I think it is ok for them to not all be answered. We don't know what else is going on in the cases that don't heal, there may be something they need to learn first. Or it could be a "test" in a way for you to see if you will remain faithful.
I love that picture, so peaceful, thanks for posting it.
Don't listen to Satan, you know you're doing the right thing. I have seen the miracles that our Heavenly Father can preform, so Satan can to take a flying leap, lol!
That's a stunning picture of your property.
Have a great last few weeks & we'll see you when you get done.
Hugs & love,
Your testimony always stirs my faith anew Beth. Keep sharing His goodness. And that photo is gorgeous. As I read your question about prayer this scripture immediately came to mind. 2 Cor 1:4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. (NLT) Although it doesn't specifically address prayer, it shows that we're able to give to others what God has given to us.
Believers are given gifts in which one is healing. I'm glad that you're able to discover that gift. PTL! For working through you…
Glad to hear that you are doing well with the corn maze. And that's an awesome pic! It's just nice to hear from you sister and I'm glad you're saying "hi" time to time…May you have a wonderful weekend and always be strong in His mighty power!
Blessings to you Beth, I loved this post and the photo is beautiful!!
I stand in awe of the Lord working through you with this-I've never experienced healing when I've laid hands on anyone but I keep praying for others.
Hang in there with the maze-just a few more weeks.
Hugs, Noreen
Sis, you are such a beautiful blessing.
It's probably not Biblical – (found in scripture anywhere) that you have an anointing so to speak to pray for the same kind of healing for another – that you've been healed of. But does it have to be grounded in scripture? If the Lord is using you to bring healing to the people He brings into your circle – then why would you need to even ask. Just walk in the gift. It will be OK. He's obviously bringing them to you. Even if you don't see 100% success. No one in the healing ministry does. No one.
I was healed of many things – arthritis in my hands was one – at a healing conference – They asked for anyone who had been healed of artritis to come up on the stage to testify. This was not an easy thing for me to do but I felt the Lord nudge me forward anyways. – so I did. After the service – 2 women sought me out and ask me to pray for their arthritic hands too. this was new to me – they felt that I must have had the power to extend the healing to them. Maybe – it didn't matter. they asked me to pray for them – I did. I walk in the healing gifts too. But the results are always in God's hands. Prayer never hurt anyone. So keep praying. And oust Satan from the barn!
I have a quote on my blog that fits here:
"Satan dreads nothing but prayer. . . . The Church that lost its Christ was full of good works. Activities are multiplied that meditation may be ousted, and organizations are increased that prayer may have no chance. Souls may be lost in good works, as surely as in evil ways. The one concern of the devil is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." —Samuel Chadwick
Jam 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. NLT
I would add that I usually don't lay hands on and pray healing for a non-believer. Unless the Lord specifically asks me too. If they are willing – I like to introduce them to the healer himself first – It can be a simple prayer of repentance and forgiveness. Not that God doesn't choose to heal non-believers – of course He does – by His grace and mercy. But non-believers don't have the tools or the inwardly residing power of the blood of Jesus over their life to walk in their healing.
In short – they don't know how to hold on to their healing. Many Christians have lost this battle to satan as well.
Therefore, for me, part of my responsibility with this healing gift is to also warn of the enemy that seeks to devour their healing and say it isn't so – Count on it! If I don't know them – and they are willing – I remain in touch with them to encourage them in their faith and their healing.
You didn't ask for all of this – but I wanted to encourage you in your gift and encourage you to never never stop praying for healing. That is always the first thing I uttered from my lips – when I meet up with the spirit of affliction – whether it's on me or another. There is no harm done in asking the Lord's healing touch to fall upon a dear soul in need of the Master's touch. He will be your guide. You can count on that! Just walk – it will be OK.
blessings and prayers
princess warrior in boots <")>><
Beth you are and have been an inspiration to me. What you share I can so relate. Blessings. (((Beth)))
I'm alive as you can see, my health is ok as far as i know but going to the doctor today, fiance and i are doing the love dare 365 devotional and really enjoying it. Ja I'm ok hey.
Through God you ARE a healer Beth!! We each have our own special part or talent and GOOD that you use yours. You inspire me SO much because you always share your stories. You are NO fool. Tell Satan THAT!!! FROM ME!!!