Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.

I read chapter 16 in the Book of Psalms this morning and verse 11 made me stop and ponder.


Yes, God has shown me the path I am to take through His Word. I know right from wrong and I know who He says I am, BUT there are always choices to make. Each day I can choose life or death — I can speak life or death.

God has made known to me the path of life ….

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

Many enter through the WIDE gate and broad road that leads to destruction. God gives us that choice.


We can weigh just about every area of our lives against the scales of life or death can’t we? Not only in the natural sense necessarily, but spiritually. Does this “thought” I’m entertaining birth life — bring joy OR does it birth death — negativity.

Our thought life can be so difficult to reign in sometimes! For me, if I am doing something mindless — like cutting the grass — my thoughts seem to wander. The next thing I know I am rehearsing old conversations of PAST experiences. Where do these come from? I think I know! As soon as I realize what I’m doing I capture my thoughts and take control again.


I even relate this with our choices in exercising versus being an extreme couch potato. I just read a testimony from a guy Brett A. who is my “friend” on This is what he shared:

Sixteen months ago, at 48 years old, I began running for health reasons. Cholesterol ratio was upside down, BP was typically 140 over 90, and resting heart rate was 80+. In addition to running, I took up cycling, and gave up carbonated drinks of any kind. This evening my BP is 115 over 69, heart rate is 51, Cholesterol levels are slowly correcting, and I’ve dropped 30 pounds, … all without medication. Conclusion: Generally speaking, the American health care crisis is self inflicted… too many people don’t care for their health. I’m glad to say that I’m no longer among that number. I am very thankful for my health and intend to continue doing what I can to maintain it.

In the natural, he chose LIFE vs. DESTRUCTION. I need to make more choices like Brett in that area. He is 48 and I just turned 43. IF he can do it, I can too — we all can.

There will always be some type of fruit from whatever choice we make. I pray this little post will be a reminder to make WISE CHOICES today.

Walk the path of LIFE.