I know I keep saying “I’m gone” yet I’m posting here and there. I just want to stay connected — even though I don’t have time to visit you right now. :o(
I really miss reading all of the devotionals and lifetime giggles that you share on your blogs. Sigh.
Update on my running. I did graduate from the Couch-to-5k program. Yay!
I proved to myself that I could do it and that in itself was an awesome accomplishment.
Since then I continued to run every other day, but THEN came the corn maze season. I was swamped with emails and phone calls about the maze.
Then Princess started school. Then she had her first dental appointment. She loved it — and NO CAVITIES (thank You Lord). I was going to take her to one of those kiddie places with the jungle theme on the wall, but she went to my dentist and loved it.
THEN while I was there they tricked ME into sitting in the chair. Dang! I usually have time to prep myself (ha). I told them I needed to make an appointment for a cleaning AND I was having some problems with one of my fillings.
They plopped me right in the chair and did some tweaking on an old filling on the right side of my mouth.
The next day I came in to have my teeth cleaned AND to have the left side of my mouth numbed (two shots) for a filling that had chipped. It was during the cleaning that the dental hygienist discovered that I had a cavity (that had been hidden) behind my wisdom tooth that had grown in (and I was happy to leave IN). Do you know what that meant?
YESTERDAY I went in to have THREE shots in the right side of my mouth so that my wisdom tooth could be pulled. Now I have a big hole in my gum and am eating soup. My hands were literally shaking! I had heard so many horror stories about people and their wisdom teeth. The dental assistant was talking about sounds I might hear, “Popping and cracking” … OH COME ON LADY! Then Dr. Shah started sharing some things as well. I finally said, “Ok you two. How about telling people AFTER you have already pulled their teeth — because I am about to get out of this chair and run.” They think I’m a nut and got a good laugh out of me, but seriously — I told them just pull the tooth and talk to me afterwards! It actually took longer for them to numb me than for the tooth to be extracted. Hallelujah!
So with that said — NO RUNNING FOR ME since last Thursday or Friday! Tomorrow the maze opens again, so I pray I can get back on track after the weekend. I love my dentist — he is so kind, calls to check on me — and gives his patients his CELL PHONE NUMBER! But, I’ve seen enough of him for a while.
I am excited to have a couple of hours to myself now that Princess has started school AND BEFORE school groups start coming to the maze during the week. I will actually have some time to spend with the Lord and worship. Yay! I am really looking forward to that time.
Isaiah 32:17
The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
Wow, I love that! Quietness and confidence … sounds like complete peace doesn’t it?
Have a blessed Thursday everyone!
Bless your heart!!! I don't like going to the dentist when I know there will be more than just a cleaning!! Fortunately, it's been a couple of years that I've had to have some serious work done (root canal)!! Thank God for that!!
Hope you're feeling better and in the groove of things soon! And congrats on the couch to 5K thingy!! That's awesome!
Dentist stuff… YUCK! :o(
Hope you get back on your program soon. I know I am off and on mine to varying degrees all the time. The important thing is that you DO get back on. :o)
Poor Beth! I had my wisdom teeth removed a few months back– NO fun! Hope you find recovery to be short and speedy! Feel better!
Ps– YAY on graduating from the couch to 5K program!! Awesome!
Great job, Graduate!
I was encouraged to have all my wisdom teeth extracted before they ever started to come in and I listened! It was painful and I ended up with a dry socket but at least I got it over at 17.
Hope it isn't so bad for you!
I had to have a tooth pulled (a molar that had cracked) a couple of years ago. I've always had this thing about losing teeth. I don't know what THAT'S about. Anyway, it was kind of traumatic for me…weird, I know! lol
Hope you get to eat some real food soon!
It took 5 days in hospital to get my wisdom teeth out and i couldn't open my jaw properly for 3 months after. Yuck!
Jenny <><
Just stopping in as I'm blog visiting my friends this a.m. and wanted to say Hey!!
Praying for you and your family. Your little girl is always so precious…praying for her!!
Love and hugs!
Fell better soon!
I usually love the dentist…but I usually just go for a cleaning 😀 It feels so good on my nice little teeth!
Glad to hear you made it out in one peace though, Beth! 🙂
Praying for you, and loving you sis.
My family doctor is named Dr. Shah. What a coincidence! I had all of my wisdom teeth taken out in my early twenties. I was out cold! Glad that you did well!