by Beth | Jan 5, 2009 | humor, life, Not Me Monday
Not me, I wasn’t the one who turned our bathroom hand towel around to hide the dirty side (just to avoid having to wash it this week). Nope, not me.Not me, I didn’t make up my bed with sheets that NEEDED to be washed just so my house would appear straight....
by Beth | Jan 2, 2009 | award, fiction, God, life, love
I am so honored to be the recipient of the Being Real Inspiration Award! My dear friend Angelika blessed me with this honor. Please visit her personal blog (click here) and glean from her wisdom and experiences. As an added blessing, track her ministry blog as well...
by Beth | Jan 1, 2009 | Christian, life, Thankful Thursday
Today’s theme is looking back. I actually wrote a blog yesterday about 2008, but I can definitely share my THANKS.I am so thankful for the freedom that God has given me. I received SO MUCH healing in 2008! It took a lot of yuck to have the understanding and...
by Beth | Dec 31, 2008 | life, new year, reflection, resolution
Well, I can’t believe it is the LAST day of 2008!!! Ihave been out of town for a few days (without Internet access I might add – scream), but I have already seen a few blogs about reflections and resolutions! Oh my goodness, I’m already behind! I...
by Beth | Dec 23, 2008 | fun, life, random
Haven’t we all heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover?” Ha! Well, the same can be said about closets, drawers, and REFRIGERATORS! This silly blog is the result of a conversation between me and my friend Momstheword. She wrote...
by Beth | Dec 15, 2008 | freedom, life, random
Hi Friends. I don’t know why I am driven to record my life! I have journaled since I was a pre-teen — so just entertain my obsession or move on to the next blog.Last night my husband, daughter, and I had (yes I said HAD) to attend a Christmas musical at...