Well, I can’t believe it is the LAST day of 2008!!! I
have been out of town for a few days (without Internet access I might add – scream), but I have already seen a few blogs about reflections and resolutions! Oh my goodness, I’m already behind! I haven’t had time to reflect about 2008 or plan for 2009. Seriously, the Christmas season has been driving me for a month or two. So now … ahhhh, let me think! My 2008 began with my first surgery EVER! I was terrified, but had no choice. Prophetically 2008 was called the year of NEW BEGINNINGS. As I sat in my pre-op bed, I noticed I was in room 8! “Ok Lord, I can do this — I know You are here” I relaxed. That was January. In the spring, God did a BIG work of healing in my heart. He started by requesting that I read “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” (again). You can read about this in an older blog: Click here. This fell right in place with a workshop and conference I attended through Cleansing Stream ministries. God had softened my heart and I was RIPE for harvest/healing. I have no words to describe what a process this began in my year of 2008!
June began a weight loss journey for me. I had ballooned up over the past few years! I believe that God led me to a way of eating that is perfect for me. I lost 51 pounds with no effort, but have been stuck since October (also — haven’t been exercising).
July started out with a BANG when I had a senator of the United States of America come to MY NASTY HOUSE! OH my goodness! You can read about her visit: Click here. [Here is the picture in her FLYER — it went out to millions – lol. Yes, I was dirty, sweaty (from attempting to clean my house), and it was BEFORE I lost weight – dang!]
The rest of the year has been a blur. It has been full of blessings where my husband and daughter are concerned. Our home has been peaceful and joyful. I see my husband growing in the Lord and it has blessed me more than he could ever know! I have also been growing up in some areas (though my Father knows how much room I still have to grow). I am excited to see what God has planned for me and my little family.
There have also been a lot of tears shed during 2008. My parents, my parents, and did I say, MY PARENTS? They are so helpless and it hurts me. Sometimes I have to catch myself carrying too much of the load and I have to stop and cast my cares upon the Lord. Seriously.
As far as 2009 is concerned … I have mixed feelings. I am unsure about the president elect (to say it mildly) and I don’t know what type of spiritual doors have been opened due to his beliefs. I can’t even think about it right now. I do know we are to pray for those in leadership, so I do pray for him and his family. I especially pray for God’s Will to be done in this nation. At the same time, I feel that as the world gets darker, the Church will shine brighter! For that — I am excited.
I only want to bless my Lord. I always want more of Him, so I can’t say that is my “new” resolution. That is the cry of my life.
I pray this new year will be exciting for each of you. I am definitely grateful to have you in my life.
Many Blessings to you!
So glad to see you, my friend. I pray a blessed 2009 for you and your sweet family. Pressed in close to our Lord Jesus, clinging to the hem of His garment!
Hugs to you!!
Good stuff!
Hey there my friend! I’m glad to see you back! I hope you had a good time in the mountains.
I loved reading about your year. I will have to go back and read some of the posts you referenced. My mil gave me that book for Christmas. I will have to make sure to read it quickly!
Take care my friend!
Happy New Year!
I hope you have a wondeful new year!
From Another Beth in NC!
Dear Beth,
I never “do” New Year’s resolutions either. I just decided to post seeking and praising God as resolutions because I am growing so much and have a new focus on wanting to proclaim the goodness of the Lord in everything I do.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit.
May God bless you and your family in the new year!
Love, Hope 🙂
What a year you’ve had! Thank you so much for sharing it. I have to ask about this diet that God led you to…I’ve GOT to do something about my ballooning body! :-/
Praying for a joyful, healthy, blessed New Year for you!
Beth glad you are back!! Happy 2009.
Thank you for sharing your heart and your 2008 year with us. Since I have not known you long it was a blessing to see a bit into your life this year and to know how to continue to pray for you. I’m excited for your year and ours and everyone who is standing on the Rock who is Christ our Lord.
Don’t fear about the times Beth, God is definitely in control. While I too was concerned about the election outcome I immediately was reminded that GOD IS IN CONTROL and our responsibility is to surrender daily to Him, to trust in Him, to love Him, to serve Him and to share Him with others. We are now in a NEW YEAR with new opportunities to do that. Praise the LORD!
Love you.
I love how you share from your heart. Senator Elizabeth Dole came to your home? Wow; despite the dust bunnies that’s pretty cool! I think I need to take out my copy of Hinds Feet or whatever it’s called. I know I have it on my shelf but I don’t think I ever sat and read it. Maybe now’s the perfect time. With so many uncertainties, I know the Lord will use them for my good. Hugs to you Beth.
Oh my, Beth!! You’ve been to my house!! Well, at least your picture on the political brochure.
Thank you for your kind, kind comments on my blog. To God be the glory for what He has done and is doing in my life.
Blessings my fellow North Carolinian.