Not me, I wasn’t the one who turned our bathroom hand towel around to hide the dirty side (just to avoid having to wash it this week). Nope, not me.
Not me, I didn’t make up my bed with sheets that NEEDED to be washed just so my house would appear straight. Ha. Not I!It certainly wasn’t me who continued to fill up the liter box again so that I wouldn’t have to scoop it (yet)! Surely whoever keeps doing this would learn her lesson!
Not me, I didn’t insult the hostess of a beautiful party because of my southern sense of humor! If someone said with a smile on her face, “I wish you would have cleaned up this house before you had this party” — wouldn’t you KNOW she meant the opposite? By the stunned look, someone immediately had to explain herself — whew, not me. lolFor more Not Me Monday posts, visit MckMama. Click here.