Here and Now

Here and Now

6:00am In my circle of friends over the years I have seen a pattern repeat itself in different conversations. Many of us are waiting for something spectacular to move us into ministry.  Perhaps we are waiting for a particular gift to manifest.  Maybe we are waiting...
Beyond my ability

Beyond my ability

6:38am I have been stretched beyond my own abilities the past few years.   I guess it started back in college … Satan continually told me I wasn’t smart enough to go to college.  I remember when I graduated with honors I was still shocked.  I remember...
Didn’t expect it!

Didn’t expect it!

6:27am There are some things I expect each day. I expect the sun to rise and the sun to set. I expect to see the moon and stars each night. I expect my husband to kiss me goodbye each morning and to hear his footsteps as he walks heavily through the house to leave for...
Eyes to SEE

Eyes to SEE

Bloggers, are you up for a writing challenge?  Each Friday, Lisa Jo at The Gypsy Mama challenges us to write for 5 Minutes.  No forethought, no editing or critiquing … just writing to see what flows out. Today’s prompt is: SEE Start: 6:45am Isn’t it...
My identity

My identity

Today I am linking with Lisa Jo for her 5 Minute Friday meme.   She provides a prompt and we are supposed to write for 5 minutes.  No forethought.  No critiquing.  Just start writing to see what flows out. Today’s prompt:  IDENTITY Start: 6:05am Since my father...
I yam what I yam~

I yam what I yam~

Isn’t that what Popeye the sailor always said?  “I yam what I yam” and no apologies for it, right? Today I am linking with Lisa Jo at the Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday.   She provides the prompt and we write for 5 minutes to see what comes out.   ...