Bloggers, are you up for a writing challenge?  Each Friday, Lisa Jo at The Gypsy Mama challenges us to write for 5 Minutes.  No forethought, no editing or critiquing … just writing to see what flows out.

Today’s prompt is: SEE

Start: 6:45am

Isn’t it interesting how we can have perfect vision, yet not SEE?

Sometimes immaturity can block us from seeing what is right in front of our face.  When I was a teenager, I thought I had this world figured out.  Even in my 20’s, I thought I was an adult and understood most things.

It is amazing how wisdom comes with age — which means I still have a lot to learn as I “mature” in the years to come!


My prayer is that God will open my eyes that I might truly SEE.

Do you remember in the Old Testament when Elisha prayed that God would open the eyes of the servant?  When He did, the servant could see hills full of horses and chariots of fire!  That is the kind of vision I would love to have.   Eyes to see in the natural and in the spirit realm.

So many in this world are spiritually blinded by the enemy.   “Seeing” but not really SEEING.  I don’t want that to be me.

Oh Father God, please give us eyes to see and ears to hear in Jesus’ Name.

Stop: 6:50am

2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, “O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

(Photo of my eyes and Scripture added after 5 minutes.)

Would you like to join the challenge?  Click on Lisa Jo’s button below.   Have a blessed weekend everyone!