by Beth | Aug 1, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
It is about to begin! The rush and the hustle of fall. My daughter goes back to school today for a short period, then she officially starts on Monday. Where did the summer go? Ah, the lazy days of summer? Since 2012 was such a BAD summer with both of my parents dying...
by Beth | Jul 11, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
Where do you belong? My place is with my husband and daughter, but I belong to the Lord. My life is not my own and it was purchased at a great price. 1 Corinthians 6:20 For you have been bought with a price; be glorifying God with your body and with your spirit,...
by Beth | May 9, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
I was rushing away from my daughter’s school the other day and a friend said, “You are a busy woman.” I thought to myself and said to her, “I love it! I am so grateful to be a Mom!” I wanted to be a mother from the time I was a little...
by Beth | Mar 21, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, healing
I have so much to be thankful for every day, but I’m not feeling joyful at the moment. There are things happening with some friends that I can’t wrap my understanding around. I am awake at 3am, pondering it all. Praying … wondering … asking...
by Beth | Feb 21, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
I am one person in this town of approximately 150,000 people. I am one person in a county of over 900,000 people. I am one person in a state of close to 10 million people. I am one person in the United States of America which is home to approximately 314 million....
by Beth | Jan 17, 2014 | Five Minute Friday
Proverbs 25:11 The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry. (Message Bible) 5:29am I have been blessed enough to be surrounded by friends who are great encouragers. I’m sure God knew I needed them! Little lies set in …...