Today I am linking with Lisa Jo for her 5 Minute Friday meme.   She provides a prompt and we are supposed to write for 5 minutes.  No forethought.  No critiquing.  Just start writing to see what flows out.

Today’s prompt:  IDENTITY

Start: 6:05am

Since my father died a couple of days ago, I have felt different when saying, “I am O___ and M___’s daughter” because “O” is no longer a resident here on earth.  But in all actuality, I will always be their daughter.  Even when I’m their age — that fact will still remain.

Years ago, my identity was wrapped up in the roles I served in at church.  I was the Prayer Coordinator.   I was in the worship band.  I was in the choir.  I was a lay pastor.    I remember the moment I stepped out of those roles, I felt naked and exposed … I am ______ …  Hmmm.  Who was I?

The truth was there!  Even though I knew who I was in Christ, it was TOO EASY for a title to give me some sense of purpose.  I don’t know how to say it better than that.   But when the titles were removed and I came face to face with who I was — I was O and M’s daughter.  D and K’s sister.  Wife.  Mom.  But most of all … I was a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I am a blood bought Christian.  My citizenship is not here, but in heaven.  I am only passing through this earth.

That is my identity.

Stop: 6:10am

Would you like to join us and write about your identity?  Just click on the button below and link up:


(Photo: My 1st grade photo.)