by Beth | Mar 21, 2013 | blogoversary give away
Today is the BIG day! I used RANDOM.ORG to decide the winner of my 6th blogiversary give away! I had 6 people join the give away on my blog and 1 person through my FB page. That was a total of 7 ladies. chose the blessed lady behind NUMBER …. NUMBER...
by Beth | Mar 18, 2013 | blogoversary give away
It is hard to believe that I have been blogging for SIX WHOLE YEARS!!!! WOW! Blogiversaries are unlike a birthday or anniversary where I would receive a gift — instead I OFFER A GIFT TO ONE OF MY READERS! This year I decided to give away a book that I recently...
by Beth | Mar 22, 2012 | blogoversary give away
Thanks everyone for helping me celebrate my 5th year of blogging! I placed everyone who joined the drawing in the order they left comments and I wrote down each persons name the number of times they completed the required steps. Example: Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany...
by Beth | Mar 18, 2012 | blogoversary give away
Happy 5 year Blogoversary to me! Wow, I can’t believe it has been 5 short years! I am linking with my friend Brandi with Noonday Collection to celebrate my special day! Here is just a tidbit about Noonday Collection: The Noonday Collection offers fashion...
by Beth | Mar 30, 2011 | blogoversary give away
As I promised, to celebrate my 4th bloggoversary I am giving away an awesome book written by a precious woman of God: Shadows Among Us, by Robin Bertram. I’m excited for the winner of this gift. I know she will read this book and use it as...
by Beth | Mar 18, 2011 | blogoversary give away
Wow, today is my 4 year BLOGOVERSARY! Yipee!I can hardly believe it has been 4 years! I started this blog to help me work through a lot of hurt after a yucky spiritual bump in the road that happened 5 1/2 years ago. Guess what? It really did...