by Beth | Mar 17, 2009 | blogoversary give away
I can hardly believe it has been a year — yet, I can also say, “It has only been a year?” I have made so many friendships on here and I feel like I’ve known some of you for years. I am so thankful for the Internet. What a wonderful gift!Well,...
by Beth | Mar 4, 2009 | blogoversary give away
Hello Friends! Just a reminder that my ONE YEAR blogoversary is in 13 days! It actually falls on St. Patrick’s Day! To bless my friends, I am giving away a brand new five novel (Francine calls them novellas) collection entitled “The Lineage of Grace...
by Beth | Feb 25, 2009 | blogoversary give away
Hello my friends! I have been trying to figure out what to do to celebrate my 1 year blogoversary (21 days away) and tonight I had a great idea!I have enjoyed this series so much that I am purchasing a new set to give to a blessed friend! Which series? Glad you asked....