Where do you belong?

My place is with my husband and daughter, but I belong to the Lord.   My life is not my own and it was purchased at a great price.

1 Corinthians 6:20
For you have been bought with a price; be glorifying God with your body and with your spirit, which are God’s.

As I get older each year (I have another birthday this month), I look at my heart’s desires and wonder when promises will manifest.

I am grateful for life!  I am grateful to be a wife and mom!  But somehow in the midst of so much busyness, I want to be used to change lives — not for my glory, but for the glory of God.   That passion is still burning within my soul.


I yearn to be with with people who are on FIRE for God and hunger for Him.

That is where I belong.

I yearn to see the sick instantly healed and the dead raised!

That is where I belong.

I yearn to see the captives set free!

That is where I belong.

How does this house wife reach out to the world?

Does anyone else ever get tired of the church game?   I want to see lives changed when the Body comes together.   I don’t want to follow a schedule — 3 songs,  “x” amount of time for the sermon.   Time is too precious just to warm a chair for a couple of hours.    Where is our hunger just to wait upon the Lord?  Why are we ever satisfied by just showing up and leaving the same?  Does it check off some religious duty chart that we hold in our hearts?

WAKE UP CHURCH!  Now is the time for God’s Word to ring from the pulpits — no watering down — no compromise in fear of the seeker sensitive movement.   The day may come when preaching the WHOLE Word of God in this nation may come with a high price.    Why fear being who we really are?  The Holy Spirit is here for a reason?  Why grieve Him?  Why try to hide Him?

Ephesians 4:30
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom you were marked with a seal for the day of redemption.

Do you ever feel like we are waisting time?

I belong to the Lord!   I am His daughter and I want to be used for His glory.

I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for her 5-Minute Friday.   She provided the prompt:  BELONG.   Write for 5 minutes to see what flows out.

Please click on her button below:
Five Minute Friday