Well, I have learned some painful lessons today. You see, I have avoided the scale for months.
LESSON ONE: Get on scale each morning!
Since Valentine’s Day, my love affair with chocolate has gotten out of control.
LESSON TWO: I can’t eat like I want to eat and still lose weight or even maintain weight!
When mother-in-law brings a pound cake EACH WEEK (even though we’ve asked her NOT to bring them), give it away ASAP. Make someone else fat instead of myself!
LESSON THREE: It is better to GIVE (fattening foods) than to RECEIVE. Ha.
Before I get too disgusted with myself, I know that the white flour I’ve been allowing back into my life has made me retain some water. I will weigh again in a few days.
LESSON FOUR: I must continue to drink water to flush out my body. I haven’t been drinking enough water lately. That really does make a difference.
I need to get back on track — start sowing seeds in the Spirit and stop sowing seeds to the flesh.
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
I’m glad I got on the scale this morning. I knew I needed to see the fruit of my choices.
I am getting on the scale daily. It keeps me accountable.
Blessings, andrea
PS: Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.
Glad you finally weighed in. I still weigh in daily because it does keep me accountable. Love you!
Just keep on going… never look back! You can do it!!!
Good for you for knowing what works best for you!
I'm currently not weighing for three weeks. I found myself obsessing about the number I saw each morning, so I had to take a break. We'll see!
Best wishes as you continue on your journey!
Hopping on the scale every morning helps me keep my focus not to raid my pantry that day! Or the ref! God bless you sister and may His strength be yours!
Beth…don't you dare get down on yourelf! You are only human! I have full confidence that you will get back on track and all will be just fine! Trust and BELIEVE!
I am that way with Chocolate Chip cookies – biggest downfall.
Praying for you, you will get back on track sis.
I hate my scales!!! And they hate me!!! LOL I think maybe I need to make up with it and become friends! 🙂
My scale tells me I weigh three different weights within five minutes……of course I always choose the lightest one! 🙂
Take those pound cakes each week, slice them up and FREEZE them. Then when You need a tasty dessert for any summmer BBQ~ add your strawberries and whipped cream and you are done!
Thanks for the tips too. I didnt' know that the white flour retains water. Good to know.
YOu can do this.