The Gypsy Mama is challenging us to write for 5 minutes — no critiquing, no editing. She provided the topic: VIVID.
Start 6:39am
When I think of the word “vivid” I think of clarity. When I think of clarity I think of our perceptions.
So many times in life we can perceive things a certain way because we view things through goggles of hurt, woundedness, anger, and rejection. We don’t realize there is a different perspective that is clear. We think that is just the way it is and never imagine that it is our vision that is garbled.
Jesus can bring the healing and deliverance we need so that we can see clearly and have a vivid understanding of what we are seeing.
Before I was set free from rejection, I perceived rejection A LOT. Seriously, it seemed like rejection happened all around me! At the time, I didn’t realize what was happening. I didn’t have clarity yet because I was viewing the world through goggles of pain. Sometimes there really was rejection because I defiled others by expecting them to reject me (that is a separate blog post).
I pray we will all seek the Lord to have clarity of vision so that our perceptions will be VIVID. God has given us LIFE full of rich colors, textures, and smells. I pray we absorb them as they really are, with no unholy skewing of our perceptions and vision.
Open my eyes Lord in every area where there is a VIVID picture waiting for me to see.
Have a blessed Friday everyone!
Stop: 6:44am
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Thank you for this… Sometimes the goggles are really hard to remove and they take a long time of relearning to honestly what is truth. Thank you for the reminder!
Visiting from Lisa-Jo’s… Lynnea
Thank you for visiting me Lynnea. <3 Yes, sometimes it does take work to remove those goggles. I agree.
Beautiful! It is amazing how often our own perceptions can muddle up the vividness of the true picture! I am praying for clarity of vision as well!! Thank you!
Amen Kerri! Me too! Thank you for visiting me today! <3
Too many times my vision is muddled. Thank you for the reminder.
I think we all go through this sweet Michele! Thank you for visiting me! <3
as usual i loved this post! you are such a gifted teacher ~hugs
i have started these 5 minute fridays too! go read mine lol
Ha, you are too funny! I will come over and read yours. I rarely have time to visit my friends it seems. I look forward to having time to visit everyone again. Thanks for the sweet comment Tami!
Yes. Yes. I want to see. Vividly. And to see the Lord vividly – what a treat! Blessings friend.
I’m reminded of the verse 1 Cor. 13:12 “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Paul was talking about while being here on earth we have a poor glimpse of Heaven but it reminds me of what you said “we view things through goggles of hurt”.
I too pray for “clarity of vision so that our perceptions will be VIVID!”
Love your post. Hey did you ever write an “I Am From” poem? If so would you mind sending me the link so I can read yours? If not, no worries =)