Hello Friends! Just a reminder that my ONE YEAR blogoversary is in 13 days! It actually falls on St. Patrick’s Day!
To bless my friends, I am giving away a brand new five novel (Francine calls them novellas) collection entitled “The Lineage of Grace series” by Francine Rivers. Click HERE to read about the offer. If you are interested in joining the drawing, just leave a comment on that post.
I can’t wait to see who will win!
oooh a giveaway!! whooohooo i wish my bank account would allow me to do one like every few days!!!
Thanks, Beth…I’m heading over now to sign up! Keeping my fingers crossed! 😉
Great giveaway.
Woohoo!!! I am heading over there now!!
Hey Beth,
I think your 1 year anniversary giveaway is a really great idea, I hope someone is immensely blessed by it.
Blogoversary?? That’s a cute idea! I don’t know when mine is… going to check now!
I just love giveaways!!! I’ve already commented there but wanted to say “hi” for today.
When I think this day couldn’t get any busier…it has! I’m tired! This has been a non-stop week and now Dorinda is wanting me to head up the Sunday School/Children’s Church multi classroom and hall redecorating/renovating/theme painting project! Wheee…I told her that I would have to PRAY about that one 🙂
I’m going to take a nap now!
Hi Beth,
Wow! What a great idea. I may have to check into this. Have a great day!
I forgot all about this. Thanks for the reminder! I will go sign up now.
Too funny! I just went to enter and saw that I had been the first person to enter. That is too funny! Have I ever told you that I have a terrible memory? Anyway, I thought you could use a good laugh!
Take care my sweet friend!
Great idea!! Mine is coming up in a few days too. I have to think of something to do…hummmm
Happy Thursday!