quietLooking back over my life there have been many places where I had quiet time to myself.  Don’t get me wrong, I love people — though I’m not quite the extrovert my husband is — but I really love some down time.

I think some of my most peaceful moments have been in or near water.  I had some of my clearest visions while at the beach.  There is just something soothing and relaxing about water to me.

During my preteen/teen years, my parents built an in-ground swimming pool.  I spent many days sleeping on floats and relaxing.   One of my favorite things to do was to swim across the pool by making the least amount of ripples or noise.

I do love silence and stillness.  That is why I get out of bed so early in the morning.  There is no traffic, no voices, no airplanes (for the most part), no noise.


I believe there are times to be quiet and there are times to be vocal.  Perhaps I have been too quiet this past year.   Maybe I was foolish to think the people who claimed to have a relationship with Jesus were going to take a stand on Biblical principles.    Maybe I was lulled to sleep by a false sense of reason — assuming too much.

For those who take the time to read my blog and who don’t agree with my stand … I do feel sorry for you.  I know it must be uncomfortable reading my opinions sometimes.  But please, compare what I say to the Word of God always.  Never take any persons word over the Word of God.  For those of us who call ourselves Christians, the Bible should be our compass.  There is no way to separate it from the rest of our lives.

Today I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for her 5 Minute Friday fun.   She provides a prompt each Friday and we write for 5 Minutes to see what flows out.  No forethought.  No critiquing.

Today’s prompt:  QUIET

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Five Minute Friday