Bonnie, The Faith Barista, provided the prompt "fearless" for the Faith Jam today. Ah, what life would be like if we were all fearless! As you read in my post yesterday, my family just returned from Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. As a teenager, I would ride...
Disney and My iPhone.
Have you missed me? My little family and I left for Florida last Thursday and just returned home yesterday. Guess where we went? Yes, it is true! We have NEVER been and finally took the big plunge! Here is our princess meeting Cinderella for the first time. She...
SNAG it!
For the past two weeks, one of our pastors has given us a homework assignment. I shared last week's assignment in my last post (in case you missed it). The purpose of these assignments are to practice spiritual disciplines with the brain in mind. This exercise was...
He will give you …
Exodus 33:14 The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Last Sunday, our teaching pastor gave us a homework assignment. He asked that we read this scripture from Exodus and meditate on it. During this exercise, we were to ask the...
New Recipe Y’all!
If you are a vegetable lover, you must try this new dish! We ate with some friends the other night and she prepared CORN SALAD. (At least I THINK that is what she called it.) I just prepared it for supper and I can hardly wait to serve it! Here are the ingredients: 1...
Today is 5 Minute Friday! The Gypsy Mama challenges us to write for 5 Minutes using the prompt she provides. We just write whatever flows out of our hearts -- no editing, just writing. Today's prompt: ACHE. Start 5:12am Yesterday my spirit ached. For whatever reason...