Bonnie, The Faith Barista, provided the prompt “fearless” for the Faith Jam today.
Ah, what life would be like if we were all fearless!
As you read in my post yesterday, my family just returned from Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
As a teenager, I would ride ANY type of roller coaster. The more they went upside down, the better for me!
I really had to put myself to the test on several rides this past week. The first one that bothered me was called Mission Space. Honestly, if I had known what I was getting myself into, I would have politely waited at the exit area for my family. First, everything seemed innocent enough … a roomy briefing on how to fly our team safely to Mars — you know — instructions. But then we were escorted to our capsule! It was one of those simulators y’all! When we sat down, one of those big shoulder strap bars came over our heads and locked us in. Ok, that part in itself is not that enjoyable for me. THEN, the dashboard folded forward so that it was right in front of our faces! Yes — we were suddenly in a rocket that was about to be launched. Oh, for cryin’ in the rain! What did I get myself into?
There is a YouTube that I discovered yesterday where someone filmed the entire ride, but of course it seems like a piece of cake without the entire room spinning and jerking with the pictures. If you’re curious, you can see it here. Oh how I wish I had felt no fear and had been completely comfortable. I would have enjoyed it so much more.
Don’t get me wrong, I DID ride a lot with my family, but they were the safe rides that wouldn’t challenge me too much.
How much do I miss out on in life because of fear?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Fear truly is the opposite of faith.
As many of you know, fear was my nemesis for many years of my life. Fear has stolen enough of my time and it really frustrates me when even little things evoke fear in my life.
I can list off many possibilities if fear or trepidation didn’t stand in the way.
As Joyce Meyer always says:
F – false
E – evidence
A – appearing
R – real
Fear is nothing but false evidence appearing real. She is right. When I was breaking free from the stronghold of fear, I quoted that often (along with MANY scriptures). As I have said before, our battle begins in our minds! Oh, how my mind would start racing when the ride would clamp down tight over my shoulders. I had to consciously stop the spinning chatter and focus on the fun. It was THEN that I was able to enjoy it more.
I want to be fearless.
My heart’s desire is to not hesitate when the Lord asks me to do something.
Acts 9:27
But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.Ephesians 6:19-20
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
When we are fearless, the enemy can’t stop us.
Would you like to join the discussion? Click on Bonnie’s button below and link up. Or, you can just read some other posts on the prompt: FEARLESS.
Oh those scary rides Beth! When I was a teenager, every year I went with a group to Coney Island in NY. They had the largest roller coaster called the Cyclone. Every year, I would get in line with my friend. But when it came our turn, we always chickened out. However, one year we overcame our fear and took the plunge. We love it and got right back in line to ride the Cyclone …again!
Yes, we can let fear prevent us from doing all that the Lord asks of us. And then we miss out on His desires for us. I don’t want to go through life like that.
I loved your example and glad you had a fun vacation.
Blessings and love,
Girl…I’ve been on Mission Space. I didn’t care for it one single bit! Made me so sick! By the time I got off of it, I was sweating bullets…NEVER, AGAIN!
You message today really speaks volumes to me. As you know, we’re facing a possible move to SC. I really don’t want to move for several reasons that I’ve posted about. Too far away from Brittany; we’d have to pull Abby out of high school and away from her friends; we’d be moving to the same town as my mother-in-law! YIKES!:) So, I’m trying very hard not to let fear get the best of me and to keep trusting God’s plan for our family…whatever that might entail.
I want to be more fearless too! Fear has been my nemesis for so long, and even though the Lord is making progress in me, I still resist too often. I pray he’ll continue doing his work in us all to be less hesitant to go for it.
And you’re much braver than I am to do all those rides. Motion sickness is also a nemesis to me. ha.
First, I’m glad to hear you came out in one piece. LOL…How paralyzing fear can be! No wonder the enemy loves using this strategy to stop God’s children from moving forward and doing things for Him. May the Lord empower us and remind us that fear had been conquered by Him. God bless you sister.
Were you able to eat after the ride? Just kidding. I’m glad you had a fun time with your Princess. And hubby!