Today is 5 Minute Friday!
The Gypsy Mama challenges us to write for 5 Minutes using the prompt she provides. We just write whatever flows out of our hearts — no editing, just writing.
Today’s prompt: ACHE.
Start 5:12am
Yesterday my spirit ached.
For whatever reason I had the “bright” idea of writing both of my parents letters to share what they have meant to me. In each letter I detailed things that would always make me think of them: Gardenias, Magnolias, Butter cups, Mimosa trees, etc … Is that morbid?
I wasn’t trying to be morbid/depressing/sad. Instead I thought it would bless them to know what type of positive impact each of them had made in my life.
I haven’t handed the letters over yet (IF I even do), but just writing them sent me over the edge. I was emotional the rest of the day. Sigh. Ache …
Perhaps I needed to get those tears out. I rarely have a chance to just have a good “sobbing” cry over my parents, but yesterday morning the ache of allowing myself to “feel” my love for them was intense.
Any of you who have watched your parents suffer and approach death may understand how I have tried to disconnect and distance my “heart” from the situation so I can just DO what needs to be done. A connection was definitely made yesterday and the pain with it. Argh!
Should I hand them these letters? I read them to my friend and I showed them to my husband. Both of them thought they were sweet, but I don’t want to make my parents cry. So often we don’t tell people heart-felt things before they die . Many people aren’t given this chance. My husband’s father died suddenly with no warning.
I don’t want to pass up this opportunity if this is something God wants me to do.
Please pray I will know what to do.
Stop: 5:17am
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Picture of my Daddy added after 5 minutes.
It’s funny how the word “ache” made us think of our family. Neither of us thought of family in a negative light. Joy and pain seem to be closely linked, don’t they?
Having lost my mom, brother, and dad in 6 short years beginning in 2000, I say for you to not hesitate in giving those letters to your parents. I know it will probably bring up a lot of raw emotions, but I think all of you will be so blessed because of it. They not only NEED to know what’s in your heart, but they WANT to know, as well. Don’t have any regrets once they’re gone…let the letters be a gift from you to them. Thankfully, my mom, brother, and dad all died knowing how very much I loved them. However, there were still some things I wish I’d taken the time to say. Don’t pass up your opportunity. Praying for God to give you strength and guidance. Big hugs!
I hear ya Beth. I refer to the word grieve as well. Blessings dear one.
Beth, I am praying that the Lord will give you wisdom in regards to these precious letters of love. I believe that it’s always good to share your heart when you still have time with them.
After my mom died, my dad gave each of us three adult kids a letter she had written for us. As I opened mine, I cried. I cherish her words that were written just for me. I thought that was so kind of her to do as she realized her health was slowly slipping away. She even planned her funeral down to the details. How like my mom!
So sweet Beth do what the Lord has placed on your heart while you can.
Blessings and love,
Of course God will show you what to do, still, am praying for you. 🙂 I agree with Debbie, it’s best to share the good thoughts with your parents. But, that’s my thinking, not God’s. 🙂 Beautiful piece. Quilted blessings.
I echo sister Debbie’s prayer for the Lord to guide you regarding those precious thoughts from your heart for your parents.
There I was, my arms wrapped around my dying father’s chest, whispering “I love you” and “thank you’s” endlessly for all the things he had done to raise us, his children. My brothers were watching me from the distant bed. When I got up, they did the same.
My father cried and weakly, he replied, “Don’t forget guys, I love you all. Very much…” But a big smile was painted on his face the whole time. He knew how much we loved him. And I was grateful the Lord gave us that precious, one last time with our loving father as all of us came from different countries to visit him.
It’s been over 4 years now since he had gone Home…But how true…out of all things that remain: faith, hope and love. The greatest is love! Praise God! May God’s strength always be yours sister!!!
The prompt “ache” also made me think of family. I wrote letters to my children when they were babies to capture all that emotion and I love that you wrote letters to your parents. I also admire your courage. Be gentle with yourself, I feel your ache like a tsunami! I think sometimes we just need to connect with that raw emotion and allow ourselves to feel our feelings. God will direct you sister – I will pray for you. Sending a hug your way.