LOUD and clear
LOUDStart: 6:21amAre ALL men LOUD when getting dressed in the morning?Our daughter is still on Spring break, so the only "down" time I have had is when she is still asleep in the early morning hours.This morning I got up around 5:15 and was thrilled to have some QUIET...
WINNER of my blogoversary giveaway!
Thanks everyone for helping me celebrate my 5th year of blogging! I placed everyone who joined the drawing in the order they left comments and I wrote down each persons name the number of times they completed the required steps. Example: Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany...
Deny His Voice?
I am linking with the Internet Cafe to share God's Word with a photo. I also wanted to connect it with an analogy that just played out before my eyes. Yesterday my daughter and I had to add a lot of pine shavings to our chicken pens due to the amount of rain in our...
Blogoversary Giveaway!
Happy 5 year Blogoversary to me! Wow, I can't believe it has been 5 short years! I am linking with my friend Brandi with Noonday Collection to celebrate my special day! Here is just a tidbit about Noonday Collection: The Noonday Collection offers fashion forward...
My snazzy new coop!
Just in case you missed my last post, we have added six new chicks to our flock! We have two Buff Orpingtons named Buffy & Fluffy; Two Silver Laced Wyandottes named Belle and Dot; and Two Americaunas named Alice and Connie. Of course the new chicks needed a...
We Do Have a Choice.
Yesterday we purchased six baby chicks. Four of them are a week old, and two of them are six weeks old. I can't imagine how they must have felt -- shoved in a box, placed in a strange environment with big humans picking them up throughout the day. It must be scary...