Start: 6:21am

Are ALL men LOUD when getting dressed in the morning?

Our daughter is still on Spring break, so the only “down” time I have had is when she is still asleep in the early morning hours.

This morning I got up around 5:15 and was thrilled to have some QUIET TIME.  I love times where there are no sounds around me.

Ahhhhh, a sweet hush.  Silence in the dark as I await the sun to rise.

A whole 15 minutes to myself then I heard the shower door slam, “Bam!”  Then “CLUNK” as the bar of soup bounced off of the fiberglass sound machine that some call a shower.

I held my breath, “Oh no, he is going to wake her up” … sigh.

Shower finished, “BAM” as the door slammed.   Then came the throat clearing noises.   Soon to follow was the sound of a tooth brush clanking against the quartz counter top as the water is beaten from the bristles.


Closet door pushed shut after he dressed.

I was several rooms away and I could hear his movements clear as day.

Daughter still sleeping?  I held my breath so I could hear her gentle footsteps.

We live in a loud world.  Technological devices with all of their dings and beeps.  TV’s blaring.  Phones ringing.  People talking. 

I often long for quiet, dark, early morning hours.

Oh, look who just joined me.  My daughter.   Sigh … “Good morning sweetheart.”  “Hi Mommy” she softly responded.

Thanks dear!

I love early morning hours.  Quiet time.  Peace.

I also love the two who make plenty of LOUD sounds in our home. 

Stop: 6:26am

Psalm 5:3
In the morning, LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.

I am linking with The Gypsy Mama to write for 5 Minutes straight.  No editing.  No critiquing.  She provides the prompt, and today’s prompt is:  LOUD.   Would you like to join in the fun?  If so, click on her button below.


(Photo credit:  Morning view of fog hanging in the valleys near our mountain house.)