My Desire for Her …
Good morning everyone! Ever since our movie "episode" on Saturday (click here if you missed that post), I have been shaken out of my slumber. When our daughter was younger, she would do anything Mommy would do. If I raised my hands in worship, she would do the same. ...
Do you ever feel like you just don't fit in? My friend and I were just discussing how hard it is to find other couples to hang with who share the same beliefs and convictions. The world just seems to get darker. Since it was a rainy Saturday, I decided to take our...
I lift up my eyes.
I was looking for a Saturday Meme and I stumbled upon this one: Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. Just click on the button above and link up with Here are...
Many Gifts
Friday around this place means it is time for 5 MINUTE FRIDAY! A group of us bloggers link together with Lisa Jo @ The Gypsy Mama to write for 5 Minutes straight. No worrying about getting it "just right" or giving it any forethought. Lisa Jo provides the prompt...
He lights my path!
Today I'm linking with the Internet Cafe to share God's Word with a photo. I chose a picture I took last weekend at our house in the mountains. I immediately thought of this scripture when I saw the beams of the sun hitting these stepping-stones. Psalm 119:105...
Daddy’s Hands and a Daughter’s Heart
Yesterday I had a pleasant visit with my Daddy. He wanted to sit outside on the front porch so that he could enjoy the cool morning air. There are fewer days when he seems to be like his old self, so yesterday was a true gift. As he talked in the sun light, I studied...