Friday around this place means it is time for 5 MINUTE FRIDAY!  A group of us bloggers link together with Lisa Jo @ The Gypsy Mama to write for 5 Minutes straight.  No worrying about getting it “just right” or giving it any forethought.  Lisa Jo provides the prompt and we write.  Today’s prompt:  GIFT.

Start: 6:11am

When I thought of the word “gift” my mind immediately went to JESUS.

Jesus is the ultimate gift to us all.   If we accept Him as our Savior — accept the GIFT of salvation that was paid by Him, we can have eternal life.  We can’t earn it.  We can never be good enough or smart enough — the gift is ONLY attainable through faith.   Gift …  Of course, with salvation comes the GIFT of the Holy Spirit.   What a WONDERFUL Counselor and Teacher.  With the Holy Spirit comes many GIFTS.  They are freely given as well and are for Kingdom purposes.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Then I thought of our precious daughter.  After 15 years of marriage or daughter was born.  Talk about a GIFT!  She was placed in my arms and my life was forever changed.   I pray I’m a good Mom to her.  (God, please guide me each day.)

My husband is a gift to me as well.  We met when I was 14.  Dated when I was 17.  Got back together when I was 20 and  have been together ever since.   We have grown up together and I pray we will have the opportunity to grow old and gray together.

Life on a farm is a gift too!  I love hearing our rooster, Oscar, begin to crow around 4:30am.  There is just something peaceful about it.  Then I hear the other songbirds begin to sing.  Who knew birds sang and chirped at night?  Well, the birds in our trees do!  What a great way to wake up.

I also love that children can come here and experience animals one on one.  Our daughter has thoroughly enjoyed being the “safari guide” where our chickens and goats are concerned.  The cows … well, they are just the backdrop now.  Even the calves don’t grab our attention much since we can’t catch them or pet them.

Life in general in a GIFT.  I pray we make the most of it each day.  I don’t know about you, but I’m sure I take so much for granted.

Stop: 6:16am

If you would like to join the fun, just write for 5 Minutes straight and link up with Lisa Jo.  Click on the button below to find her and others who are writing about a GIFT.


(Scripture and pictures added after my 5 minutes.)