Ordinary: the regular or customary condition or course of things
I want to change the ordinary in my life.
I am done with it!
I am ready for my ordinary way of thinking and feeling to leave in the Name of Jesus!
I don’t want the ordinary tormenting thought patterns that I have settled for any longer.
When all is stripped away and I see what is left behind, I am undone. This pulling away from that which I have held so tightly has revealed the hidden. God shone His glorious light into that which has tried to hide and it has been exposed.
Ordinary? Ordinary for who? Ordinary for Beth, the baby who hungered for love and acceptance from the time she was formed in the womb.
I don’t want the ordinary any longer. I want MORE! I want to be bathed in the love of my God!
His love makes all things right … all things unordinary in this world. His love is not of this world. Not an ordinary love with that is fickle and untrustworthy.
I want out of the ordinary!
Give me Jesus and allow me to FEEL the LOVE of my Abba Father. Not just head knowledge, but heart knowledge.
No more ordinary.
I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker. She presents the challenge for us to write for 5 minutes each Friday to see what flows out. No critiquing or editing … just writing. Today’s prompt: ORDINARY. You can join us or just read other posts by visiting Lisa-Jo. Click on her button below:
Thank you for visiting me today.
Truly living in the Father’s love does pull our existence out of the ordinary. Have a glimpses of it most days. I’d love to have more than glimpses. Have a great Friday.
Love it! Such a great place to be when we aren’t content to stay where or how we are, but desire to be more like the Lord and to grow closer to Him!
Yes! Some of our most pivotal moments are when we say ‘I’m done!’ And we are released to be who He’s created us to be!
WOW! I never thought of using this word as a weapon to fight. I love what you have created here.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving FMF love. Beautiful words, my sister. Love the longing for heart knowledge. And don’t we all need more of that.
Happy Friday to you.
Love your passion for more than ordinary!
Love it, Love it, Love it.
Dearest Beth
I hear the longing of your heart! A heart can never be at rest in any ordinary or any wordly extra-ordinary, until it has find that sweet, extra-ordinary rest in the love of our Pappa God. That is now truly a holy extra-ordinary. That is what we were created for! And all we have to do to receive that extra-ordinary love, is to go home like the prodigal son! It never ceases to amaze me.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend
Hi! your blog is very nice and so filled with faith and love … I am glad I found you through FMF