It is so easy to lose focus sometimes. Especially where there are so many people pulling me in different directions.
I know my life is not my own. It was purchased by Jesus with a great price. But when people demand of my time, He seems to be the one who loses quiet time with me. Oh, wait — there is actually quiet time? Well, not lately anyway.
My phone rings constantly and the emails pile in. Remember, this is our corn maze season and though it is such a blessing — I find myself whining. (Father, please forgive me. I really am grateful.) I just need two of me to get everything done.
I am in a busy season, so I multitask. For instance, I may be headed to do one thing and then I see something else that needs to be done. I stop to do THAT and then I have to remember what I was originally headed to do. Ha. Is this a Mom thing?
I can’t begin to tell you everything I was able to accomplish yesterday! God truly gave me an extra ability to accomplish what needed to be done.
A n y w a y …. FOCUS.
Even when my focus seems to be on 50 things at once, God has my heart. I would rather spend my time focusing on Him. He is the One who captures my gaze. He is the One who draws my heart.
Though everyone seems to want a piece of me and my time, my heart belongs to Him. Somehow I need to find some time during the day to focus on Him alone.
You may have guessed it. Today is 5 Minute Friday. Lisa Jo provides a prompt and we write about it for 5 minutes. No forethought, no editing … just writing to see what flows out. Today’s prompt is FOCUS.
Would you like to play along? Just click on her button below and join us.
I like that – “even when my mind is one 50 things, God has my heart… ” I so agree. Keep your eye on the prize… Bless you girl!
Yes. Definitely a mom thing! Keeping the focus with you, and love that picture.
Fantastic post my friend.
I’m hearing you loud and clear Beth! I wish I lived close to you as I’d love to go to your corn maze. Oh what fun that would be to take our Pre-K 3 class to it.
But I love your heart’s focus best of all!
Blessings and love,
Yes, I agree…it’s definitely a mom thing! LOL I do that all the time. Even though my boys are not home anymore, I still get distracted with day-to-day responsibilities. I think it’s from years and years of having to remember everything for everyone else…my brain is shot! 😉
I’m with Debbie…it would be great to visit you and see your corn maze. Praying you will have an amazing, prosperous season!
Oh yes my friend, I so relate. I can never just focus on one thing, especially when it comes to cleaning the house. I have to have a girlfriend come and help me get organized some times. It’s overwhelming.
Praying your corn maze is amazing and that you have a good season!