

I recently watched a CBN interview with a woman who was practicing witchcraft.  She was raised a Christian, but due to some struggles in her life and marriage she opened doors to the occult.  In her pursuits, she became a medium and began ghost hunting with a local group.

In the interview, she shared what happened on her last hunt.   She was in a house and realized there was a demon present.  She felt compelled to tell the demon to leave in the Name of Jesus.  It literally screamed as it immediately submitted to the power of His Name.  I will link to the video at the end of this post.

My point in sharing this is because I think we Christians often forget the power of Jesus’ Name.  We grow numb sometimes to what actually took place on the cross.   It says in Colossians that Jesus disarmed the powers and made a public spectacle of them when He triumphed on the cross.   I love that!


Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,  against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Yes, we are in a battle, but the war has been won!

This is just a little reminder that if you follow Christ, you are on the winning team.  He did not leave us here unarmed.  Pick up your Bible and use the Word as your sword.   And remember, there is POWER in the Name of Jesus.


In case you were wondering, I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for her 5 Minute Friday.  She provides the prompt and we write for 5 minutes to see what comes out.   Today’s prompt is: FIGHT

Please visit her by clicking on her button below.   Also – check out the short video interview I was telling you about by clicking HERE.

Five Minute Friday