family photo family-2_zps8c2822a6.jpgI just asked my sister yesterday (since she is 9 years my senior) if our mom ever held me as a little girl.  She said that she didn’t remember her holding any of us.   That made me sad because my daughter is seven and still loves to sit in my lap and lie down like a baby for snuggles. I can’t imagine never holding my child and lavishing her with my love.  (I came back to add this … I believe our Mom did the best she could with us and her lack of physical touch didn’t represent a lack of love for us.)

If there is one thing my husband and I do correctly, is tell our daughter how proud we are of her and how much she is cherished.  She will never doubt our love for her.   She is smothered in kisses, hugs, and compliments.   We commend her for being so smart, sweet, and well-mannered.   We build her up with our words.

Everyone wants to feel cherished.

Even if you have never received that type of affection from a human, please know that GOD cherishes you.  He loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you.   After Jesus arose from the grave and returned to heaven, He loved you so much that He sent His Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and comfort you.


That is something we all want to feel.

Psalm 103:17
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with their children’s children—

Today I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for 5-Minute Friday.   She provides a prompt and we write for 5 minutes to see what flows out.  No critiquing or thinking ahead —   just write.   Today’s prompt is:  CHERISHED.    If you want to join us, just click on her button below:

Five Minute Friday