How do we reach people?

How do we reach people?

Hi Friends,The election and the moral condition of my nation is still at the forefront of my thoughts. I am still a bit shell-shocked I’m sure. I think I am mostly shocked at Spirit-filled people who voted for Obama. IF Christians won’t take a stand for...
The day after

The day after

I’ve had time to chew on things and process my thoughts since Obama was nominated as the new president-elect.It doesn’t take a rocket scientist Christian to see that this man doesn’t uphold Christian morals. He supports gay marriage, abortion,...
In shock after the elections

In shock after the elections

I just posted this “note” on my facebook account and thought I’d just transfer it to my blog as well. I think it says it all. But let me just add one more thing. It is a shame that I can’t enjoy the miracle of our first black president. If it...
God bless America

God bless America

Well, today is the BIG day! The citizens of this country get to vote for our next Commander and Chief. I feel that God is going to surprise many people today, but time will tell. I do believe the church will rise up and be HEARD during this final day of voting. (RAISE...
Voted early yesterday!

Voted early yesterday!

I just read my friend Blain’s blog and he brought up a good point. It was strange to me yesterday, but in my state of rushing with Sarah I forgot to post something about it.Isn’t it scary that we can go vote JUST BY GIVING OUR NAME AND ADDRESS? I...
Fun at the Fiesta!

Fun at the Fiesta!

Our church has a FIESTA on October 31st so the children can have a safe place to play games and receive candy. We had such a great time. This year my daughter invited her friend Makayla. They had SUCH a great time together. Princess did a better job than Mommy on the...