You’ve gotta see this!

You’ve gotta see this!

Hi Everyone. For those who love to read, which is everyone who WRITES, I have an awesome book to recommend: To be a Mother, Adopting God’s Heart by Deanna Jones. Deanna is a dear personal friend of mine and I am rejoicing that this new book is being released...
Tears from heaven …

Tears from heaven …

I had no idea what to title this post, then I looked outside and realized it was raining huge heavy drops outside.Many of you know that I attended the funeral of a baby this morning. Thankfully the rain held off until it was over. I want to share my experience there,...
Please forgive me for whining …

Please forgive me for whining …

Please forgive me for whining this morning. I really am a blessed woman. Seriously! But I’m also human and get frustrated. Sigh.I really would love just a day of down time. Just one day would be nice. Of course, most of the people reading this are in my same...
Gathering at the Well

Gathering at the Well

I know this is my 3rd post for today (forgive me — I’m catching up from my lack of posts last week).When I saw the topic at the Well, I wanted to participate. Laurie discussed “mean girls” and how they were even around in the bible.She posed...
My Life …

My Life …

Yes, my friends, my life has been documented in journals. Believe it or not, there were journals BEFORE these little books came out. I have journals in the bottom of a trunk somewhere in notebooks (before marriage). You can click on these pictures to make them larger...
At the Well; In Pursuit of Titus 2

At the Well; In Pursuit of Titus 2

Today’s topic at the Well is: That where I am you may be also .Sherry shared these discussion questions with us:Are there areas of hardness and coldness in my life? What are the roots of these? Do I need to release someone who has hurt me in my past? Do I need...