Today’s topic at the Well is: That where I am you may be also .

Sherry shared these discussion questions with us:
Are there areas of hardness and coldness in my life? What are the roots of these? Do I need to release someone who has hurt me in my past? Do I need to confess and release myself from the bondage of sinful patterns in my own life?

What are some ways that I can turn the conversation around when other women begin to gripe and complain about their children?

Name some creative ways we can create warmer, more inviting environments for our children.

Are there areas of hardness and coldness in my life? I am trying to answer this question as honestly as possible. I’m sure there must be some area that is cold and indifferent. A long time ago I began erecting walls around my heart for protection. Jesus has helped me tear down those walls – one brick at a time, but every once in a while when an old wound tries to resurface, I jump to find my barrier — and it is GONE. I don’t know of a “hard” or “cold” place per se, but I’m sure God will show me with a big ol’ magnifying glass now that I’ve posted this.

Do I need to release someone who has hurt me in the past? Oh, if this had been asked of me a year ago, I would have had a totally different answer! To my knowledge, I don’t know of any unforgiveness left in my heart. I believe I have released everyone. If you go back to my earliest blogs, you will witness my process of working through great hurt and offense.

If anyone reading this blog deals with unforgiveness, please read some of these old blogs of mine. Hopefully they will help you as well. (I transferred some of these from my myspace account.)

Do I need to confess and release myself from the bondage of sinful patterns in my own life? I’m not sure about a sinful pattern unless it is the lack of using self-control … you know, that LAST fruit of the Spirit? Lack of self-control where my thoughts go when I feel hurt. Lack of self-control where my tongue is concerned. Times of selfishness that are way too frequent. If you follow my blog, you know God has been dealing with me about my heart towards my husband. My toes have been really stepped on lately. Ouch!

How can I turn the conversation around when other women begin to gripe and complain about their children? Most of my friends are great Moms and don’t cut down their children. However, even though I say things in jest about my precious daughter — I need to be more aware of my words (you’ll understand why if you read the post I just wrote about our thought life and confessions).

Name some ways we can create warmer, more inviting environments for our children. One helpful thing I could do for my daughter is cut off the TV and turn off this computer! Seriously, I feel convicted about the time I spend on here while she is awake. Instead of latch-key kids (like when I was growing up), surely there is a new name for the kids raised while parents play with their electronics. (Hiding face in shame.)

We are raising our daughter to pray. She has a precious heart and she prays for others and loves to sing about Jesus. Giving her a foundation in the Lord is the best environment we can provide.

Even though this lap top is an issue, our little one gets tons of hugs, kisses, love, and encouragement.