Close to my Beloved

Close to my Beloved

Bonnie Gray, the Faith Barista, asked us to share a moment we felt close to God recently. Ok, it is the “RECENTLY” that is stumping me. Do I see God’s grace and Hand in every day life?  YES. Do I love Him?  YES. I KNOW I am close to Him because He is...
Highway of Holiness

Highway of Holiness

I LOVE linking with the Internet Cafe on Wednesdays to share God’s Word with a photo. As I looked through my gallery, I decided to use one of my cloud photos. The next two scriptures: Isaiah 35:9-10 No lion shall be there,       Nor shall any ravenous beast go...
I need to be in 3 places.

I need to be in 3 places.

I finally did it! Though I feel the need to check on my parents each day, I MADE MYSELF stay home one day!  Yes, just ONE day out of 7, I stayed home the entire day. Since June, my house has been sorely neglected.  I try to keep the beds made on most days and I make...
I need you!

I need you!

We need each other in this life. I am convinced that one of satan’s tactics is to isolate us from those who love and encourage us. HEART-FRIENDS Heart-friends are formed over years of life together; births, deaths, and everything in between. Years ago when God...