We need each other in this life.

I am convinced that one of satan’s tactics is to isolate us from those who love and encourage us.


Heart-friends are formed over years of life together; births, deaths, and everything in between.

Years ago when God built a chain of heart-friends for me, I truly had the revelation how we were strengthened when we walked hand in hand.  I envisioned the waves of the ocean like the waves of life.  I knew from experience how easily one person could lose footing when knocked by a big wave, but when holding hands with others we covered more ground and our stability was increased.

Proverbs 27:9
The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. (NLT)

This past weekend my little family took a quick trip to Carolina Beach.  We stayed in a hotel near a location where my friends and I witnessed a man drown years ago.

We were enjoying the beautiful October day.  The temperatures were in the 90’s – so it still felt like summer.  We had our little camp set up with umbrellas, coolers, books, music … when all of a sudden we heard cries for help that seemed to somehow peek over the normal squeals of laughter and joy from kids playing.

To our left sat the FISHERMEN who had been our enemies during our long vacation — leaving fish heads in front of us, etc …   We called on their help as we saw what was happening.   A family was caught in a rip-tide.   Suddenly everyone jumped into action.  Men went out with surfboards and were able to bring in the woman.  Meanwhile, my friends and I had formed a prayer chain at the edge of the water.  Strangers came up and grabbed our hands as we cried out for God to save these people.  We stood there hand in hand.

The father was the furthest out.

I broke the chain while I was on the phone with the 911 dispatcher.  I saw the man go under for the last time.  I began to cry as the operator sat there helpless.  It was horrible and shocking.

We later found out that this man who died would never let his wife and kids go to church.   God surrounded this family with a team of prayer warriors and a pastor (and his wife) who were there seeking the Lord — needing a miracle themselves.

The family needed people and we needed each other.   Again … I was reminded of a time when we held hands for strength.  I was grateful to have my friends with me that day!


Most people my age have experienced a LOT of life.  Spiritual bumps and bruises come over time.  Some of us experience our share of deep wounds during our childhood and live out those wounds as years pass.  Trust me, it is much easier and sweeter to have people walk with us on this journey.

We need each other.  Do you agree?   We need friends who will point us to Jesus.  We don’t need friends who will pull us away from the Lord or make us stumble.  Be careful who you “do” life with.   We are to love all people, but pick your friends wisely.

Proverbs 12:26
A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

Proverbs 22:24-25
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered,  or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.

Our friends will either encourage us in our faith or pull us down.  What type of friends surround your heart?

I am so grateful for my God-given heart-friends!

(Photo was taken this past weekend at the location where we stood years ago at Carolina Beach.)