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Again …

My daughter will miss school AGAIN today.

I received a call Tuesday around noon stating that our Princess had a fever of 102.  I suddenly became a Nascar driver — pushing 50 mph in the 45 mph zones.  Yes, that is daring for me – ha.

I brought Ibuprofen with me and gave her the 7.5 ml dose she required while in the school parking lot.

Once we made it home, she was fine.  Seriously — no more fever for the rest of the day or night.  But Wednesday at 9:30am the fever started again with a vengeance.    I couldn’t get it below 100 the entire day or evening.   Nothing makes a Mom feel worse than seeing her baby suffer.   But even in the midst of it all, she ate and drank which was a good thing.

By Thursday morning, we were at the doctor’s office to hear the good news that her ears and lungs were clear.  She is a healthy, strong little girl.  No more fever!  She is fine and I am one grateful Mommy!

She did her school work yesterday and prepared for what was to be her first day back today!

As I gave her a bath this morning she decided she wanted to wait until Monday since she has a slight cough.  So … here we sit AGAIN today.





home …

I am linking with Lisa-Jo for 5-Minute Friday.   She provides a prompt and we write for 5 minutes.  Today’s prompt is:  AGAIN

Click on her button below to visit her place and join along:

Five Minute Friday