I updated my playlist to include a Kisses of Your Mouth by Heather Clark. Feel free to click on it at the bottom of my blogspot and listen. Just hearing this song stirs something in my soul! I awakened hearing the lyrics of this song in my heart this morning.

I feel sorry for men, because I think it is difficult for them to consider themselves part of the “bride” of Christ. Oh, but for us women — we can certainly put ourselves in Song of Solomon — seeing ourselves running after our Lover.

Heather Clark used Song of Solomon 1:2-6 (below) to inspire this song:

1 Solomon’s Song of Songs.

2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.

3 Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the maidens love you!

4 Take me away with you—let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.

We rejoice and delight in you;
we will praise your love more than wine.
How right they are to adore you!

5 Dark am I, yet lovely,
O daughters of Jerusalem,
dark like the tents of Kedar,
like the tent curtains of Solomon.

6 Do not stare at me because I am dark,
because I am darkened by the sun.

I attempted to record the lyrics while listening to the song. They are so beautiful. I love worship artists like Heather. People can’t take you where they haven’t been — and it is OBVIOUS that Heather goes to intimate places with our Lord. Hallelujah!

Enjoy as your run after your Lover today! He WILL let you meet Him in the garden!

kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth
kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth
Your love is better than wine
Your love is better than wine
pleasing is the fragrance the fragrance of Your perfume
Your name is like perfume poured out
no wonder the maidens love You
take me away with You, hurry!
take me away with You
take me away with You
the King bring me into His chamber …Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth
Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth

How handsome my lover You are!
Oh how charming my lover You are!
While the King was at His table, my perfume had left His fragrance, my Lover is to me a flask of myrrh.
No wonder the maidens love You.
Take me away with You, hurry!
take me away with You
take me away with You
the King brings me into His chamber
dark am I
Turn your eyes
dark am I — yet lovely!

Take me away with You! Take me away with You! Take me away with You!
We rejoice and delight …