This is the day I get to participate with Amydeanne at The 160 Acre Woods and others who want to share the Word of God. I hope you enjoy this beautiful picture and the scripture. This is truly a scripture that I need to practice — BE STILL! For more Word Filled Wednesday posts (or to participate), visit Amydeanne: Click here.
Word Filled Wednesday
by Beth | Jan 14, 2009 | faith, scripture, Word Filled Wednesday | 21 comments
This is a magnificent photo — the scene alone brings a great sense of peace.
Oh, this is awesome!!
Truly I need to bask in His presence.
Blessings to you this WFW♥
very beautiful Beth!
and yes, your Saturday pics look the similar to mine! I took mine years back when we lived in KS.. those kinds of storms are amazing aren’t they?
Amen my friend! How beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a great Wednesday my friend!
I love your blog! I’m also a Carolina Blogger. It looks like you like Thomas Kinkade prints. He’s my favorite artist.
As I sit here in 6 foot snow drifts and -20 degree Iowa weather, I’m loving this photo. Thanks! Praise God for down comforters and His Word!
Beautiful picture to go with this lovely verse! Yes, great minds and all that…:) Happy WFW!
Hi Beth,
I saw this blogger leave a comment, and thought it was you, but she’s not. I thought you might like her blog. It is:
Have a great day! P.S. The photo is beautiful!
A timely word is like apples of gold in settings of silver – so precious!
Thanks for sharing a timely word. God keeps speaking that same theme to my heart!
Now… it is time for me to be still : )
One of my absolute favorite life verses!! And I adore the picture you picked to go with it. I want to go hang out there!
Happy Wednesday to you, my friend!
Beautiful! I have read this already once today. God must be sending me a message…Thanks for the confirmation to just BE STILL.
This is always a great reminder. I often get in the way instead of being still. I love the picture! Have a great day Beth.
What an absolutely gorgeous picture, and such an appropriate verse to go with it.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Happy WFW.
Beth, this is a gorgeous photo. I think that I could be still there. Thank you for sharing this blessing and for your prayers and encouragement. Blessings to you!
Being still is not so easy.I love the message of really to KNOW GOD, we must stop what we are doing and bask in just Him. Thanks.
Wonderful photo verse!
Thanks for sharing.
Oh my goodness what a beautiful picture. And, that verse is my Verse to pay attention to this year. Along with Pray Without Ceasing.
One of my FAVORITE verses!
I agree an outstanding photo
and my most favorite verse.
Blessings Beth, How peaceful and still this beautiful photo and verse! Amazing how God creates the
atmosphere for us each to Be still and find peace in His Presence! I hope your Wednesday was filled overflowingly with the Word! Bless you for your visit & thanks!
That photo just SCREAMS stillness (LOL if that is possible!) – perfect verse to go with it.