I am linking with the Internet Cafe to share God’s word along with a photo.
This picture was taken near our house in the mountains. This road runs along the New River. Anyone who has ridden with me knows just how narrow it is when meeting another vehicle. Someone has to pull as close to the edge as possible (or in a ditch).
(Click to enlarge picture.)
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Only a FEW find the narrow road that leads to life! God have mercy on us.
Honestly, this is frightening to me. I am watching some loved ones just go through life, not caring about their salvation … not wanting to grow in Christ. No care or concern about eternity.
They have no concept or fear of death and true torment.
They are blinded by the world, numb to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Broad is the road that leads to destruction.
What road are you on? What road am I on?
It is not too late. Jesus stands at the door and knocks.
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Beth, I am a little gobsmacked!
Firstly, I love your photo. It looks picture perfect and I would love to walk along the gorgeous narrow road and take in that view.
Secondly, I am challenged deeply by the word you shared… both scripture and your thoughts.
And that is a good thing, but it really shook me.
Bless you for your heart for Him and for speaking such Truth. Oh gosh, I need help at the moment lol. :S
Great word Beth!!
What a beautiful road, although dangerous.
Praying for many on that narrow road and those on the wide.
Blessings to you this WFW~
Lovely picture and I feel the same about my non christian friends and neighbors. I lift them to the throne of grace praying that the Holy Spirit will convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment. Also that I will always be able to speak naturally of my relationship with God whenever I have the opportunity.
I cannot work out how they can push down what must be a fear of death.
Isn't it amazing how when we choose the narrow, often uneasy path, GOD holds us steady!
Blessings and prayers,
Beautiful photo. Thankful that God promises to enable us to make this journey possible. In our strength I know we none could make it but with the Holy Spirit as our strength and guide…
Linda J
Such a wonderfilled word sis.
This is great…There is a part in "Facing the Giants" where the coach uses this to teach a lesson to the kicker…I know this because my son has MEMORIZED the lines…one way to quote Scripture! 🙂
SO true! Beth, thank you for sharing this…we'll be saying it all day!
such a gentleman…never forcing that door open.
thx 4 the word!
interesting post u got here:)
Happy wfw!!!
Love the picture and how it brings to life a powerful truth. Thanks for sharing today.
Good post. I love the picture you have used to demonstrate this verse.
Praying for those who are on the wrong road to choose the narrow, life-giving one.
When I look around at those who just don't care about where they will spend eternity, I am so thankful for a Christian upbringing. Yet, I know it is never too late for anyone to come to Christ and accept him into their heart. I often pray for the lost but I know it should be a daily prayer.
Sometimes that narrow road seems so difficult, if not down-right frightening. At those times it reminds me just how unappealing and crazy it seems to take it. How much we need God to even give us the desire to follow that path.
May we all be active in helping others see that narrow road.
WOW Beth and many blessings… I truly love this narrow road photo!
Need a scene like that now!
However the verse and your words place a heavy burden on me! ahhh (sigh) (especially coming from someone with your gift).
Encouraged to realize it's never too late for them to knock & run in to that open door and the arms of our Savior!!! Now following that narrow road, entering through that narrow gate… need to be on my knees again.
Thanks Beth (I think) Walking on the road to life…HIS LIFE!
Love & hugs,
You are truly gifted with using God's Word. I'm so glad to be on the road that leads me home to my King. I'm like you, sad to know so many that I love are watching life go by thinking temporally instead of eternally.
Beautiful illustration and great challenge.
Thanks for sharing this.
Love the verse and the image – I understand what you are saying. I have some friends and family that worry me as well but I have to hand it over or else I would go completely crazy.
What a great WFW!
Hi Beth,
Your photo is so peaceful. Reminiscent of the peace we will find on the narrow road when we put our hand in Jesus'.
Love your thoughts and your heart to pray for those on the wide path.
Beautiful, Beth…and a message to pray earnestly for our loved ones….
I have some family members and friends whom insist on going through life without a care in the world or even a second thought to their actions or behavior.
There are on the wide rule, but I continue to pray for their heart and soul….that one day they will come to themselves and receive Jesus as their personal savior.
Thanks for this awesome word…Blessings to you on this WFW!!!
Hey Beth, thanks for the sweet comment you left today.. I do love doing what i do.. i couldnt do it if i had to be the bread winner,but I get such pleasure out of it.. last year was very hard.. not much on the profit side with the economy the way it was,, i went from 12 kids the year before to 5 kids last year..but things are looking up, and Im hoping it will be a good year..
Well Hope you have a great week,,and I will be in touch soon
Bless you
Beth – I ALMOST used this scripture for my pathway photo. We were thinking alike this week.
Beautiful photo!
A pretty picture for that verse, Beth ~ Blessings ~
Sister, that must be a big relief to be able to pass through this narrow road and your beautiful house on the mountain emerging to view. How beautiful it also must be if we choose to remain traveling in this narrow road of this life's journey and as we reach the end, the Father's mansion emerges into view.
Beautiful pic that went well with the Scripture! God bless you sister!
Beth, I love this. Very encouraging and timely. Blessings to you dear one, JBR
I love roads like that one. Not to drive on but to walk on. 🙂 The Scripture verse is perfect for this one.
Love you,