This awesome shirt with the question “Need prayer?” was given to me by my Sister-in-Christ, Angie at Laughter Does the Heart Good. She and I (along with other friends) attended a Joan Hunter healing conference this past weekend!

It was AWESOME to say the least. I have watched Joan on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural “show” over the years, so I was blessed to meet her. I have also read several of her books.

She asked people to raise hands IF they had an issue in a particular area. I was chosen and called up on the stage to receive prayer. Yay!

When Joan motioned for me to come up on the stage she had me turn my back to the people. I still can’t figure out why she did that, but I had my friends cracking up when I told them about the thoughts rushing through my mind, “Oh no. Do I have a wedgie or weird underwear line? Should I stand like this or that? Do I have rolls showing in this shirt?” Isn’t that ridiculous? I would have been fine if she had faced me towards the audience, but I had on some tight jeans and sheesh — you gals understand.

The funny part to two of my friends in particular was when I was REBUKED. Oh yes. Little miss “watch what you speak out of your mouth” was publicly rebuked. I couldn’t crawl off of the stage — I was stranded there for all too see and while being rebuked everyone got a good view of my backside!

While I walked onto the stage she said, “How tall are you?” I said, “5’9 and I don’t need to be any taller!” (I had already witnessed people grow when she commanded spines to come into alignment.) She said something back in return and I said, “My poor husband.” Friends, she jumped right on that and said, “HE IS NOT POOR, BUT BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED! Watch what you speak out of your mouth!” She was preaching to the choir, but she had me. I was in shock, “You’re right! He IS blessed! I renounced what I said.” Ha! Oh yeah, my girlfriends were loving that because I’m usually catching things they say. I guess the Lord felt I needed to be humbled. I have caught myself several times since Saturday and stopped saying, “You poor thing …” (it’s a southern phrase of compassion I suppose).

ANYWAY, we saw people healed of Fibromyalgia, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, back pain, people with cancer prayed over, etc … Joan really stirred up our faith to just walk out and DO IT! Lay hands on the sick and see them healed! Lay hands ON OURSELVES and be healed. This is something I already do, but was glad to hear that she did it too.

I also learned that a spirit of trauma tends to enter through wrecks and other “traumatic” events. Trauma and fear are usually found together. That was a key to praying for people!

Joan suggested we approach people in the grocery store, Target, WalMart — wherever we go, “May I pray for you?” Seriously, when I see someone suffering, it is always in my heart to approach them — now I just need to make myself do it!

Mark 16:15-18
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

When we were at the meeting, Angie had an issue going on (I’ll let her explain what it was if she wants) and we commanded it to go in Jesus’ Name and IT DID. She immediately felt relief. Another friend had a migraine and it was commanded to leave — and IT DID — immediately! Glory to GOD!

After the conference several of us went out for supper. One of my friend’s boyfriend joined us. He began to have pain in his stomach from his gall bladder. I grabbed his hand and began to pray. I said, “Do you feel better?” He sat there a moment, “Well, it is better, but I still feel it.” Ok — give me your hand again. After more prayer he felt fine. He ate his meal and felt fine. Praise God! Later in the evening though, he had some trouble. I wonder what would have happened if he had put his “spiritual foot” down and said, “NO! YOU WILL NOT STEAL MY HEALING!” I can testify in my own life how the enemy tries to bring back “symptoms” after healing.

When I came home I shared with my Boaz about the healings that took place and he gave me that “yeah Beth, sure …” look. Later in our conversation he said, “I don’t know what I did to my knee, but it hurts!” I JUMPED RIGHT ON THAT opportunity! Ha. I prayed over his knee and felt it moving into place under my hand. I wish I had a picture of his eyes when the pain immediately left. lol GO GOD! He didn’t hesitate to thank Jesus for His healing!

Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?

If you are unfamiliar with Joan’s ministry, you can find her website HERE. Truly,
this weekend was a blessing. I had a lot of laughs with my girlfriends and I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone!

It isn’t our responsibility whether or not the person is healed, but it is our responsibility to pray.

Angie, here I am wearing the shirt. It fits perfectly and I love it! ( For some reason it looks blue in this picture, but it is a royal jewel tone of PURPLE.)

I recommend Joan’s books if you ever get the opportunity to purchase them. Two that I have enjoyed: Healing the Whole Man and The Power to Heal. If you’d like to visit Joan’s virtual store, click HERE.

Have a super blessed day my friends! God is good!