I had an awesome weekend!  Our family was busy with our farm’s corn maze (even in spite of the rain) AND we had a GREAT message Sunday morning!  I pray I get a moment to pull together a post about CROSSING THE JORDAN!  Stay tuned …

Anyway, since it is Monday, I thought I’d pull out another old post from a Meme I participated in a LONG time ago.  This Meme was so much fun!  Some of you may even remember this post, but for those who don’t … enjoy.  (Oh my goodness, look at how young my Princess was in that photo!  Sniff, sniff, sniff.)

The sad thing is — I still have PLENTY of real life material to use for posts like this …  How many of you think we should still do this Meme?  Ha.  I loved it!

At the bottom, check out the blog hops I’m linking with today.

Have a blessed Monday~

Wow, it is that time again for “Not Me” Monday. If you want to join along, link with MckMama at My Charming Kids and enjoy sharing things that you DIDN’T DO this past week!

Hang on and enjoy the ride …

It wasn’t my daughter who was so proud of herself for wearing panties all night (instead of a pull-up) that she asked her Mom’s friend, “DO YOU SLEEP IN PANTIES ALL NIGHT?” The expression on the friend’s face was priceless. lol

It wasn’t me who had a few minutes to prepare my house before company arrived. It certainly wasn’t me who went to turn the guest bathroom towel over to hide my little one’s dirty hand prints – just to find the other side was even worse! LOL Nope, not me — not at my house. That reminds me, let me go throw that towel in the washer!

It wasn’t me who had our mountain house looking “just so” only to watch my husband pull out JOHN DEERE TRACTOR BROCHURES and place them on my beautiful copy of “Our State” magazine! It wasn’t me trying to set up the perfect first impression for some friends who were going to our house on Sunday! Now those unsuspecting friends have (by this time) seen the lovely TRACTOR flyers. Argh! I’m glad it wasn’t me who worked for two days straight to have the house looking just right! Hmph! I don’t deal with perfectionism at all, NOT ME.

Nope, not me! I didn’t watch in horror as my husband vacuum-sealed RAW SAUSAGE ON MY COUNTER TOPS! Scream!!! Why can’t men just go the grocery store?!?!? I personally like buying prepackaged sausage! It certainly wasn’t me who tried to figure out how to kill every little nasty raw germ off of there either!

It wasn’t me who was told, “You know how us old folks are when we get too thin! Our faces get full or wrinkles!” (It wasn’t me who was compared to an almost 80 year old!) This conversation DID “NOT” take place just because my MIL said I didn’t need to lose more weight. Hello! I am a size 12! I am not going to blow away folks. If you knew my weight, you’d wonder how I fit in a 12! Nothing like getting insulted by your elders! Hmph!!!!

For more giggles, check out MckMama’s blog.

(Disclaimer … sheesh, I wish I was a 12 right now! 2011)

Please click the buttons below to participate in the blog hop~  Happy Hoppin’ Monday!  God bless you all!

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom