Confession time. I had quite a morning! After my lovely “Be still and know that I am God” scripture … I’ve been anything BUT still. Sigh. I had a rather extensive grocery list to follow for my parents. If you’ve followed my posts at all, you’ve seen me whine about my grocery expeditions — today was no different.

One of the items on my parent’s list was Sheffield’s Cream Sherry. Waaaaaaaaaa. I don’t drink so I never go down the wine aisle. Where in the heck do I find Sherry?!?!? I stood there, lost. Every bottle looked the same to me. Did anyone offer to help me? NO. Seriously, I am in an aisle with a very active 3 1/2 year old — bottles everywhere! Those glass bottles were hanging off of the edges of those shelves just daring my daughter to touch them. After asking her to stand still and stop pushing the cart about 5 times, I finally decided to put her in the buggy! That started the water-works and whining. Mommy was just about at the end of her rope. I begged her to just stop talking for a moment so I could concentrate. Was that an impossible request?!?!? YES. This child talks non-stop unless she is glued in front of a cartoon. If anyone watched me, they probably thought I was the meanest Mommy ever. I thought my head was going to spin around on my neck then roll across the floor. I was really trying to hold my tongue because my little one is so precious and innocent. It wasn’t her fault that I WAS TICKED OFF that I couldn’t find a stupid bottle of SHERRY! After what seemed like 10 minutes, I gave up and searched for the Fuzzy Naval Peach coolers I had to purchase too. Sigh. At least my parents don’t make my buy their cigarettes. Gag.

If I had been given this responsibility back in my teen years, I probably could have sniffed the alcohol out — but now — I am clueless!

So I eventually found the coolers and went to check out. My daughter was sad because Mommy wasn’t being nice. Seriously, I could have bitten through the glass bottle of Sherry (if I had found it). lol

The guy at the register found someone to get the Sherry for me — so thankfully I got everything my parent’s wanted on their list. Whew! Once I got out of the grocery store from Hades (ha) I apologized to my baby girl for hurting her feelings. I explained why I didn’t want her pushing the cart into the bottles or touching them. In her sweet voice she said, “That’s ok Mommy. It’s alright.” But then she talked until we got to my parent’s house. LOL! God help me.

Now … the CHEESE (a BIG smile on my face)! When I got home, I found a box from Woo hoo! I received TWO books and I can hardly wait to dig into them. One is “Dancing with Destiny” by Jill Austin (who just went to heaven to be with the Father). The other is “The Atonement Child” by Francine Rivers. These books definitely made me smile.

Isn’t it crazy how stressed we can get over the silliest things? Ok, breathe deep now … in ….. out …. whewwwwwwww. Ok. Now, to find my shoes that my daughter has hidden somewhere in our house.