Wheelchairs, walker, and canes, oh my!

I will be going to my grandparent’s house for the first time today in many years.  My grandmother died back in the early 80’s.   I anticipate it to be a little emotional with memories of simpler times as a child.   People outside of the family own the house now, but they are graciously allowing us to be squatters there for a few hours.

I would be very excited to see family that I never get to see, but I am a bit anxious about loading my two elderly parents and all that involves.  I’ll be taking my bedridden mother who is determined to go.  Both parents are so weak.  Wheelchairs, walker, and canes — oh my!

Family reunion — please go much smoother than I anticipate today.


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(Photo:  Me, my sister, and my cousin at the same house we are visiting today.  I was in the stripes.  I must have been around 6 six years old.)