Wheelchairs, walker, and canes, oh my!
I will be going to my grandparent’s house for the first time today in many years. My grandmother died back in the early 80’s. I anticipate it to be a little emotional with memories of simpler times as a child. People outside of the family own the house now, but they are graciously allowing us to be squatters there for a few hours.
I would be very excited to see family that I never get to see, but I am a bit anxious about loading my two elderly parents and all that involves. I’ll be taking my bedridden mother who is determined to go. Both parents are so weak. Wheelchairs, walker, and canes — oh my!
Family reunion — please go much smoother than I anticipate today.
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(Photo: Me, my sister, and my cousin at the same house we are visiting today. I was in the stripes. I must have been around 6 six years old.)
That’s a sweet picture. It’s so nice that the people who own the house now will let you have the reunion there. It will surely mean a lot to those who have strong memories of the place. Your post brought my grandparents’ house back into my mind very vividly, but I imagine it’s quite changed now.
My condolences for ur grandmother! 🙂 I hope, you have a great time..visiting there. 🙂
Beth…how nice that you can gather at the old homestead of your grandparents. I do understand your nervousness though. It is hard emotionally. But I pray it will bring joyful memories.
My husband came from a big family, and his mom and dad have both gone now…so when we go there to see brothers and sisters and extended family…we REALLY miss mom and dad! It is bittersweet for sure.
I am glad you still have your folks. Enjoy this time with them.
Happy SWS…and Happy Easter!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Hope it goes much better than you expect. Good luck!
I’m sure it will make a good memory to look back on.
Love the title and love the post! Perfect. Hope your Easter was wonderful, Beth.