Hi Everyone! I’m reporting from the mountains! Let me tell ya, I was shocked when I walked outside and was met with 46 degree weather. It was almost like spring up here yesterday. Brrrrr. Of course, that isn’t why I’m writing. Now that the small talk is behind us (ha), I’ll get to my purpose in interrupting your day.

My Boaz has been watching the WWII special that has been playing on the History Channel this week. I’ve been catching bits and pieces while I’ve taken care of other things around the home. I saw more of it last night than previous nights and I wanted to cry. God bless those precious men and women who fought against those who destroyed the lives of so many Jewish people (and others they deemed impure). God have mercy. I can hardy stand the images as they are fresh in my mind. I also felt pity for the civilians who were killed — those who were caught in the middle. War is horrible, but it is a part of life. God told us it would be.

Anyway — to my point. As these beautifully decorated soldiers were recognized and their stories were told, I began to wonder what type of legacy I’d leave behind. Immediately my mind jumped to the new term “carbon footprint” that is associated with GREEN living. As rabbit trails go, my mind thought of a fingerprint. What fingerprints am I leaving behind? How has my life touched others? What am I doing to make a difference?

This morning as I prayed, I cried out to God about past dreams that have sort of taken the “back burner” – reminding the Alpha and Omega (as IF He would ever forget). As I started reading the bible, I came upon this scripture in the Life Application translation.

Psalm 96:2-3 declares, “Sing out His praises! Bless His Name. Each
day tell someone that He saves. Publish His glorious acts throughout the
earth. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.”


I’m sure you know how it is to read something and know that God is speaking to you, right? I have never noticed this scripture before. I leave this bible up here in the mountains and don’t have this translation at home.

If there is one thing I can do is SHARE what God has done, is doing, and promises to do in my life! I can gab … that’s for sure. I know that in His timing, publishing will come.

I am telling all of you: HE SAVES! His blood is enough! Nothing else is needed to cover your sins. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, to forgive your sins, and to change you from the inside out. He can and He will.

I pray everyone is having a great Friday!