Here is what I’m looking at today. Spring is in the air! Here is a little girl bunny with her gardening tools! She is ready to plant some carrots and lettuce!
Nothing says spring like yellow bells! That is what I call this bush though I know there is a real sophisticated name (ha) that I won’t misspell and slaughter.
Easter is all about LIFE. Jesus LIVES! These little eggs in this guy’s basket represent the newness of life.
No explanation needed for this beautiful cross. But in the event you haven’t heard, JESUS LIVES. Christ Jesus lives today!
She also enjoys pulling the string and making this little bunny dance. He is rejoicing over the warmer weather and fresh greens to eat.
Luke 24:1-8
On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ” Then they remembered his words.
Like your Easter/spring decor, Beth! My favorite is the purple cross. I had no idea your MIL was an artist! She did a good job. The flower arrangement is pretty too! I've never heard of that meme, so I need to check it out…sometime when I'm able to use more than 1 hand to type. 🙂
You have such a lovely home!! The decorations are so nice. Everything is so bright and cheery. I need to pull our decorations down out of the attic. Love ya!
I love your bunny collection, Beth! Puts a smile on my face! That painting is so beautiful…the crosses say it all! Happy Monday, my friend!
Love all the easter decorations. I need to start putting up mine.
Very pretty and Springy. I love the yellow bells wreath.
"She admits that she participates with her buddy in this meme so that she can see inside our homes (lol)."
Well of course my sweet sister.!! LOL
And of course I have ENLARGED all your pictures for a delightfully upclose view of everything..
Oh my goodness Beth, where do I start?
Ya, love the rabbits, but oh my I adore those jugs in the back ground (forgot what you call them but they are SO country in!!). You even have a lamp of one…and I see you got those 'salt boxes', shaker boxes,,I don't know, but I love that thing there too,lol.
Now, is that a Hoosier in the back ground of the other rabbit? Oh my!! And what is that that sitting on it, spice grinder or something.
And that vintage scale. Girl,,you and I have the same tastes,,do you notice I am looking at everything else than what you are sharing, LOL…lol
that wreath is just so beautiful. I love wreaths.
Does that rabbit have fur on him? That is just too adorable.
Gotta love the cross…how perfect is that…
Lilacs, my favorite flower.
20 years that tree!!! Girl, I just got mine two summer's ago yard saling and I was seriously thinking about throwing mine away because of my impatience of the stuff falling off. (blush blush). Well if you can keep yours for 20 years,,you have sharpened me girl to do the same (proverbs 27:17)
Love that vintage rabbit with the pull string. LOVE whatever it is hanging
WOW about the painting…LOVING the scripture you shared with it..AMEN AMEN AMEN…
oh thank you so much Beth for joining in.
You know, it just makes me feel like I'm walking around with you with my red cup in my hand (yes, it's right beside me right now,lol) and your showing me your home..
Look at you all decked out for Easter already! Love that purple cross. I started collecting bunnies a long time ago…but it didn't last long. I got bored and they either got broken or I gave them away. We should be having the Easter Egg hunt at YOUR house! I guess I should decorate some for Easter. Love ya – see you on Wed.
Jesus lives! Amen! Thank you for showing us those wonderful bunnies but most importantly, for reminding us what this season is about! Glory to God! Take care sister and God bless.
Jesus lives! Amen! Thank you for showing us those wonderful bunnies but most importantly, for reminding us what this season is about! Glory to God! Take care sister and God bless.
My you are the little decorating queen Beth; too cute. I love spring time and long for Easter Sunday.
Hi Beth, I just looove all of your decorations and the thoughts you have shared as well. Thank you for sharing.
AMEN!! That´s why we call it Resurrection Sunday in our family!
Such lovely springy decor! wish it was feeling like spring here. I think we have another month to wait. but then we will have that lovely summer I mentioned.
I loved your lilacs on the table! (at least they look like lilacs. They are my favorites! I just love the smell and they remind me of my home growing up.
Springing with ya, jeje
Dani Joy
Everything looks so nice. I love all the bunnies. I just ordered some Easter things the other day and they came today. I told Tom we go crazy at Christmas and have nothing for Easter.
You're putting me in the mood for spring!
Okay, those are cute…as soon as I get my St. Patrick's Day stuff put away, I'm pulling out Easter!
Thanks for keeping in touch! I wanted to link to the Pumpkin Patch again… literally popped up the post on the way to the BDay Dinner…. 🙂 Always awesome to hear from you. LOVE your Easter decor. I have some work to do. This is adorable! Blessings!
Adorable….post! Hope you are having an awesome week.
Hugs, andrea
You have so many cute Easter decorations. I have less than 5 things…ok more like 2 probably and they are still in the closet. I guess I should look at the calendar and figure out just how many days I have before Easter. That is so bad! I love Easter because He lives!!
Everything looks so nice sis.
I love the way your house is decorated…so pretty!
Your bunnies are too cute…I can just picture your Princess being so excited about them!
How cute are all your knick knacks!!!
By the way, I GOT THE BOOK!!!!! It's already described me in the first few pages!
Aw your bunnies are too cute. I have an Easter tree too. Adorable :o)
Angie let me know that you had participated this week so as quickly as I could.. I hurried over!
I love all the wood. There is just something so warm and homey about it. Just beautiful!
Those bunnies are the bomb!! My favorite story growing up was Peter Rabbit and so, I have a soft spot for them.
Your home is just lovely. Thanks so much for sharing. (I believe I am Angie's friend of which you speak 😛 )
I love your bunnies !
Hey Lady! Love the bunnies and especially love the passage at the end of the post. Thanks for linking up yesterday and for being such a good bloggy and "in real life" friend!