When You call I won’t refuse.  Each new day again I’ll choose!  There is no one else for me, none but Jesus!  Crucified to set me free.  Now I live to bring Him praise!

Happy New Year everyone!

Here I am, alone in my den while my family sleeps.  I’m listening to praise music (lyrics sprinkled throughout this post in quotes), and reading some of the statuses of my “friends” on Facebook.

In the chaos and confusion, I know that You’re sovereign still.  In the moment of my weakness You give me grace to do Your will.  So when You call I won’t delay.  This my song through all my days!

Some have pictures of the liquor they planned to consume last night.  Some have pictures with friends, parties, etc …  Others spent the New Year’s Eve with their little families (like we did).  We were invited to spend New Year’s Eve eating delicious food at the Angus Barn Steakhouse, but we thought we would still be out of town (sorry if our friends see this post — we would have loved to have been with you).  

There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.  Crucified to set me free.  Now I live to bring Him praise.

I was just thinking about the lessons learned in 2010.  What did God do in my life and family last year?  What did I experience?

Hallelujah, hallelujah – glory in the Highest.  And I will sing and I will sing His praises forever!  God, He Reigns.  Holy is the Lord of Heaven!  God, He reigns.  God, He reigns forever more!

I can’t see everything God did in mine and my husband’s hearts in 2010, but BIG things took place.  All I can say is THANK YOU FATHER!  Coming home yesterday my husband grabbed my hand and said he was so proud of his little family and so thankful.  I feel that way often.  I look at this man that I married 21 years ago (started dating when I was 17) and still think he is so handsome.  I am so grateful that God is allowing us to raise our little daughter who is just the cherry on the pie.  

I will sing His praises forever.  God, He reigns.  God, He reigns.  Holy is the Lord of Heaven.  God, He reigns.  God, He reigns forever more!  

In 2010, I had great victory with weight loss, then great defeat.  Oh well, weight is temporary anyway.  For some reason I just cannot eat white flour.  My body blows up like a blow fish.  Sigh.  Beauty is fleeting, right?  Back on track for me.  Warning, for anyone who brings us cakes and cookies — they won’t see the light of day around here.   

A thousand times I failed, but Your mercy remains.  Should I stumble again, yet I’m caught in Your grace.  Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades.  Your glory goes above beyond all things.  

The art of losing myself and bringing You praise.  

My heart and my soul.  I give You control.  CONSUME ME FROM TH INSIDE OUT LORD!  Let justice and praise become my embrace, to love You from the inside out!

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades!  Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all things.

In 2010 I graduated from the Couch to 5K running plan!  I was so excited to have accomplished that goal!  Now, to get back on the treadmill and work to jogging 3.5 miles.  

I found myself in a new role in 2010.  A role I have prayed for my entire marriage.  Now that I am nestling into this new place, it feels strange and unsure, but here I ride as my Boaz leads the charge.  

And the cry of my heart is to bring YOU praise.  From the inside out, Lord my soul cries out!

We had a truly blessed Corn Maze season in 2010.  God provided a way for us to provide for our family (and provide work for others) in such a struggling economy.  For this we are thankful!  We are making plans for our 2011 maze and pray that it will be a blessing to many people.  

Jesus I believe in You.  And I would go to the ends of the earth for You.  All of the world will see that You are God.  You are God.

Love unfailing, overtaking my heart.  And I would give the world to tell You’re story.  Cause I know that You’ve called me.  Lost myself and live within Your promise.  I won’t hide it.  I won’t hide it!  Cause Jesus I believe in You.  I would go to the ends of the earth for You.  You are God!

For me, 2010 has also held some great lessons and experiences in seeing people healed.  Amazing!  I have to say the most exciting healing (though each is a miracle and is totally GOD ALONE) was when my cousins leg grew 6 inches before my eyes.  I still shake my head.  Wow!  I want to see MORE healings.  I want to see people believe and expect.  My friend Angie informed me that Joan Hunter will be coming back to our area this month.  Yay!  I look forward to learning more!  I pray 2011 my family and I will be moving more into the things of God!

Also, Gary & Kathi Oates will be coming to our area in February!  I pray I will have a chance to see them!

The oceans and sky, lift up their voice.  And all He has made will rise to bless the King of all Kings!  Let us adore Him.  Let us adore Him.  Jesus Christ is the Lord!

As I look ahead, I still have some issues to overcome (welcome to the human condition, right?).

Hallelujah, hallelujah!  You are worthy of all praise!  Hallelujah, hallelujah!  You are worthy of all praise!  Let us adore Him.  Let us adore Him.  Jesus Christ.  He’s the Lord!  Come and behold Him.  Bow down before Him.  Jesus Christ.  He’s the Lord!  

Through Christ I can do all things!  I will move from glory to glory.  My little family and I will be here waiting on the Lord in 2011.   

Falling on my knees in worship.  Giving all I am to seek Your face.  Lord, all I am is Yours.  My whole life I place in Your Hands.  God of mercy, humbled I bow down in Your presence at Your throne.  I called, You answered.  And You came to my rescue and I want to be where You are!  

God bless you all in 2011.