Oh wow, I was so busy yesterday I totally forgot to do my memory verse!!! I usually link with Beth at Power of Your Love to learn God’s Word on Mondays, but will do it today. Oops.
Last weeks scripture was a familiar scripture and one of my favorites:
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. NIV
I love the visual I get from this scripture. God’s Word truly does light our way for us. Without the direction of scripture, we would surely go astray.
This week’s verse is familiar too, but foundational:
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)
I hope you’ll join us this week!
God bless!
I love that verse sweetie.
As the saying goes, “better late than never…”
I love that part:…”whoever BELIEVES in HIM will not perish but have an EVERLASTING life…”
It’s not only about a wonderful promise we can claim as we put our trust in Jesus, but it’s that sacrificial act of “sending His ONLY Son” that truly touches me. God’s love is truly “unfathomable:…
Have a blessed day sister Beth!
Both of those verses have been tucked in my heart for years! So…you have a forgetful mind, too, huh? WELCOME TO MY WORLD! 🙂
Beautiful message of God’s word and His love toward us in these Scriptures.
Blessings and peace sister.
i am so blest coming here everytime.
John 3:16 has been one of my favorite verses since I was a little girl. What a wonderful promise!
Well I’ve got both down…and I’m gong to take this challenge to work on these with my 5 year old. I LOVE both of these verse.
Isn’t it amazing that the entire Bible can be summed up in these twenty-six words?
Blessings Beth,
You were missed and I was worried!
I came to see if you had your Memory Verse yesterday & I was going to link you up but I did not see it…so it lite up my "follower
list" when I saw it today!
I'm so glad that you shared & though we do it on Mondays, I think it's acceptable any day you do it!
I know that you knew these verses so I thought that you may have chosen to skip but I'm glad you
I’m with you Beth…though familiar scripture, it is good to being them to the front of my mind. You are a blesseing to me with your sweet upbeat personality. I love it:)
Two awesome verses (o.k., well they’re ALL awesome!). Thankful for my salvation and for His Word to light the way!
In answer to your questions: No boots with leather tassels. Leg warmers over jeans, absolutely. Don’t remember a twisty bead necklace but I probably had one anyway.
I don’t remember wearing a bandana around my waist. I had a very small waist too, but maybe we just weren’t doing it where I lived?
Never wore jelly shoes. But big earrings? Oh yeah. Big heels too, 5 inchers!
Love both those verses!!
John 3:16 is probably one of the first verses my kids learned!!!
I have done a liturgical dance to Psalm 119 many times in different Churches (Amy Grant singing)…I LOVE that scripture,,,
When I feel afraid, think I’ve lost my way, still Your there right beside me. Nothing will I fear as long as You are need. Please be near me to the end!!!!
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!
I’m singing away!
Great verses — both of them!