Today I link with Beth at The Power of Your Love to memorize God’s Word.
This past week, we learned the following verse:
Isaiah 45:5
I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God. I will strengthen you though you have not acknowledged Me. (NIV)
I am amazed how often God blesses us — even when we don’t acknowledge Him. I have heard many testimonies of God healing people who were Muslim or Hindu, etc … — THEN they turned to Him. He loves us all and wants all of us to come to the saving knowledge of His Son.
Ok, now for this weeks memory verse:
Matthew 1:21
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.
What a perfect verse for this week! I really look forward to memorizing these verses each week! Would you like to join this Meme and memorize God’s word with us? If so, just click here.
Have a great week!
Popping in your world this morning and wanted to say thanks for starting my day with such inspiring words!
What a perfect verse for this week!
I will Ponder this one this week for sure.
Touched my heart
Have a beautiful and blessed week 🙂
I agree, this is the perfect verse for this week. I’m looking forward to memorizing and meditating on this one. (Well, all of them actually!)
Thanks for joining in, Beth!!
Great job on the memory verse!! See you next week for our new verse.
Such a wonderful verse.
So glad he came to save us from our sins. You are right..a perfect verse for this week.